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Why do people smoke while on probation?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by JohnnyOunces, Oct 9, 2015.

  1. Why do people put themselves in the position to get screwed then hope they don't get screwed?

    If you can't stop marijuana from landing you in the binge, would you call that addiction?

    It's easier to not smoke then to cheat probation.

    I really want to know why people make more mess in an already messy situation?
  2. some people find it hard to not smoke weed, believe it or not.
  3. It can be hard but if jail time or lengthening supervision is in the cards, I'd learn really quick. I'd go 5 years with out smoking if it meant being free and doing what I want afterwards. It's hard to enjoy mj on probation, because you realize you're going to get tested and then you're super stressed because of it. If I can't enjoy my plant, then what was the point?
  4. I put my smoking on hold for literally 35 years and loved the shit out of it and was a heavy smoker when I quit. It's about life choices not addiction.

    Many people on parole already have made a ton of poor choices and continue to do so then beg for a magical solution.

    Smoking pot while on parole are stupid people doing what they do best. Stupid shit.

    I'm on vacation right now not smoking and loving life. I rather have some smoke but oh well. If anything recreational is running your life you have lost your life.
  5. Agree 100%, just be responsible and have accountability
  6. Oh and congrats to you for doing the right thing man! Wish you the best. Happy times and good time ahead for sure. I've been on parole too a long time ago. Sucked but dues we all have to pay when you fuck up.

    Make another post on the party later lol!
  7. .

    I appreciate it man, it's really taught me how to be a man, probation is a privilege. I'm thankful to my family and support along the way. I was able to buy my own place, get a new car, find a career and go to school because of probation. The alternative was jail. Blessings come in different packaging.

    You better believe I'm going to post about it, probably the day after because the day of, I might just be in a coma lol
  8. I smoked through all 3 years of probation. Used a whizzinator and never got caught. If you wanna know why I did it...bc I like getting high. And I knew I could get away with it.

    Fooling a probation officer isn't the hardest thing to do - their average IQ is probably similar to a beat cop's. Observant but no formidable intelligence to joust with. Fairly easy to gloss over with good manners & a display of surface conformism [​IMG]
  9. Depends on the state and level of supervision. Regardless of which, I wouldn't risk using a whizzinator, if I got caught, that's my ass. The average person can't get away with that man. You had everything going for you
  10. Someone's gotta keep it gangster Johnny.
  11. I smoked on probation, only to the point to where i could pass a test. I have an ungodly fast metabolism. I passed a test 5 days after smoking, it's all about confidence and the right methods. Granted I experimented with dilution techniques and what type of vitamins to take and how many till the the color was right. Know your body and you can figure out your test window. In all reality it's not worth it. Cheers
  12. I can't deny how gangster that is

    Another one flirting with dragons lol. You both are crazy.
  13. Gotta tame the dragon man. Just gotta be prepared to get burned the more you push it. Cheers
  14. I assume the same reason they do when they aren't on probation, they want to get high, if it was me Id like to think Id be able to not smoke but till the time comes I'll never know will i? But very frequently im put on random (unwanted) t breaks because my guy is dry so I feel like I could do it.
  15. True gamble indeed

    You could, it definitely gets easier
  16. my p o lets me blaze its the medical law i get drug tested for everything but weed and opiates i had to get my med card put on file and have to bring in med jars for pills to prove im not doing drugs. but i do stil get tested and have to answer questions bout all my drugs on top of it all i have to sign all sorts of papers for my big d t.
  17. Well that's different. You're legally able
  18. And using that whizzinator or ANY attempt to beat a drug test can be a new offense in some States, and a new offense can quickly mean the original term of supervision has become the subject of a Motion to Revoke (or a Motion to Adjudicate if the original disposition was a deferred adjudication).

    Sure most don't get caught, but a good number of people DO get caught...and that carries consequences beyond just having to take another test.

  19. It's a risk I wouldn't benefit from taking, considering probation in my state is supervised
  20. Kinda goes without saying you're in deep shit if you're caught trying to fake out a UA while on probation.

    That being said, I passed 16 witnessed UA's with my whizzinator - some nerded out dork in the bathroom with me, staring right at that my unit every time...and couldn't figure it out.

    I don't recommend just anybody gets high on paper, but if you're gonna throw caution to the wind - might as well rock the best defense [​IMG]


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