Why do people say vaporizers don't give you the same kick?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by freenerd, Apr 20, 2016.

  1. I've only used a vaporizer once. And I didn't feel the same effects. BUt I don't know if it was correct loaded, a lot of people had pulled on it before I did. It was one of those volcanos. But pretty much everyone agreed, me included, that you don't get the same thick volume, taste or kick.

    Is this true, or are these people wrong?

    I am planning on getting a vaporizer either way, since I should really find out how these new ones are. Is a PAX 2 good enough, or is there something else I should get. Want it for mainly dry herb, but oil and shatter would be a plus.
  2. 10,000,000 buzz junkies can't be wrong!
    What strain did you vape? What other equipment have you tried? What techniques were used in hitting balloon? How depleted or old was balloon?
    The most difficult thing for a new user is forgoing the purchase of weed for proper equipment.
    Plug in / Underdog or Nano
    Whip /Da Buddha
    Concentrates / EVO
    Portable /Millianna or Zion
  3. Haha! So true about forgoing buying bud to get one.

    I would preferably like a really good portable one, but one that is amazing at home too.

    Someone in the forums said the EVO, but it's pretty expensive. It's confusing trying to choose one. I want thick flavorful puffs.
  4. Want to learn about vaporizers? Go to fuckcombution dot com. The site will teach you everything you need to know.
    Your system is so smoked up with all the trash in smoke you are burying the good stuff.
    There are threads on there with the scientific evidence to justify switching from smoking to vaping. An added benefit vapor does not smell like pot smoke. You don't smell like a pothead when vaping.
    Switch over, if you are lucky enough to reach elderly status, your lungs, and lack of "COPD" will thank you. If I could give the youth of today the best advice I could give is, QUIT SMOKING yesterday.
    Lastly look into a Haze Dual V3. You'll be amazed. Doc
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  5. I only vape and joints and pipes probably wouldn't get me high, or I'd be too focused on how gross it tastes.
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  6. If money isn't a concern, check out the mighty. Imo, you can't go wrong with the Pax 2.

    I have the solo, I'm really happy with it. Plenty of power for good bong hits.

  7. I feel the same way OP but I believe It is because I haven't taken a break from joints. It is very hard lol. I have noticed though I did for 3 days and my Bhudda was kicking ass. My gf loves joints so it is hard to stick to one. I would prefer vape because it feels way more easy on my lungs. I'm starting to get a cough and bad flim. Marijuana has twice the tar nicotine does just not the chemical additives.

    Sade's outdoor Bigfoot territory grow
  8. If you're in the market for a desktop, get an Arizer Extreme Q as a starter. It's whip and bag compatible, easy to use, extremely quiet ( hence the name) and very durable. They are the biggest bang for your buck on the market.

    Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  9. I have the ipuff flowr and it's amazing made by a company here in CO nice portable vape
  10. I love my vaporizer. I felt just like you at first because I didn't know how to load the chamber, how to take hits etc... If it convection, pack it loose so the hot air goes through the herb nicely. If it is conduction like the pax 2, pack it nice and tight, and sip on it, just like you sip on a milkshake from a straw, nice small hits goes a long way with a vape like the pax 2.
  11. FC vaporizer review forum
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  12. I go through about 7-10 grams a week myself alone, I usually smoke out of a 18" bong and get super stoned.

    Recently I bought a little cheapo vape, I believe they are called desktop vapes unless I've mistaken. And bro let me tell you, the first time I used it, it was trash.

    Frustration to the max. However I wasn't loading it correctly. Optimal temp is very important. Idk much about the volcanoes except it's expensive as hell and it fill a bag of smoke.

    The vape I got (viva la vape) is one that uses the whip o deliver the vapor.

    SO all in all my experience is when it comes to vaping, I only vale about 1/2 to 3/4 of what I would usually smoke in a week when vaping. But at the same time I had the vape to keep hitting at my own free will.

    To each his own bro. Peace.

    What up GC!
    400w MH HPS, nirvana white widow and blackjack indoor.
    White Widow & Blackjack journal
  13. Pax2 hits harder than any joint but I would say it takes time because I stopped smoking joints/cigarettes and you do miss that buzz from a joint but that's just the tobacco that gives you that feeling (I've stopped now for about 7 months and tried a joint a week ago and nearly puked and felt crap and that was definitely what I used to associate as the buzz!). For me vapes work better when you do stop smoking permanently and it takes time to get away from the habit of smoking but I use much less weed (easily half of what I did) and the buzz is far more intense but does take a little longer to hit!
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  14. Spot on .

    What up GC!
    400w MH HPS, nirvana white widow and blackjack indoor.
    White Widow & Blackjack journal
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  15. I have had the Hebe Titan II Vaporizer for 1.5 years now. In comparison to using a bong or smoking a joint, I feel that the vaporizer gives off a different high. A more of a dazed but alert high. A high that I can still go on with my day being high but getting work done. I would have to say when it comes to smoking it is all based upon the time of the day and what I have planned for the day. If I want to enjoy a nice social gathering and have a good conversation with friends, we'll smoke the bong. If I'm on the go or in a hurry ill smoke a joint or the vaporizer. I do know how much more health effective smoking a vaporizer is and I want to become more educated in different products that are easily transportable, lack smell, have true vaporization and are rechargeable/can be used while charging. Any type of vaporization tips I'd love to read them and learn!
  16. It's true for me, vaping is a slow gradual high. Smoking, especially from a bong, is getting stoned all at once.
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  17. I consume way less when vaping, I enjoy the flavor, and I don't cough. I have used a PAX for over a year now and really like it. I just ordered the DaVinci Ascent after a friend let me try theirs. Way more flavor than PAX, and delivers at a much lower temp at the mouthpiece.
  18. I NEVER share when I vape. I used my vaporizer last weekend and I was all the way up in the clouds. I mean, I have NEVER been that high before, and I usually used to smoke two blunts. I will NEVER go back to smoking ever again.
  19. Easy vape digital vaporizer

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