Why do most people smoke weed now?

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Kellie C Battle, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. It relaxes me. I have a problem with anxiety and when I am high,I can forget about things that normally bother me.
    Also I have severe back problems after I fell and broke my back. It really doesn't take the pain away, but it makes it a lot more tolerable.

    I hate the munchies though, so I have stopped smoking in the day time.
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  2. because it's better than cigarettes.
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  3. Those stats are BS, as Canada has routinely been #1 in terms of consumption in many, many studies that i'm too lazy to link atm
    We have it everywhere here, cops do not care & you can smell it walking down the street, soon to be legal nationwide july 1 next year, stores are already opening up. it's our #1 cash crop here in BC :D
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  4. American here. I'm from Oregon, where marijuana use has been fairly well accepted culturally for some time (legal medical for a long time, now recreational too), though certainly not by everyone. I think the change in legal status has totally shifted the views of many of the remaining people who may not have wanted it legalized in the first place. My grandmother was so "shocked" by the fact that it was legalized. She had a total moral disgust towards "drugs; a disgust that bordered on physical. But now that is has become a normal thing, akin to alcohol, she has jokingly hinted at trying it for her medical needs (and I think she might). Same for my mom (less disgust reaction to begin with). I think the numbers will continue to rise.

    Personally, I use it at the end of the day to relax. It helps with insomnia (sleep medications are the worst in my opinion) and allows me to truly unwind and stop thinking about my work.
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  5. so true
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  6. Yes even medieval serfs were given their own land to build houses, grow food & raise families. It'a bullshit we have to pay to live on a planet we were born on. People are waking up, whether they actively do something is the next question
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  7. I wonder how you feel when you take this.
  8. It's safe and the medical benefits are amazing. Just stay away from the synthetic stuff.
  9. Weed is tight
  10. Fantastic hobby in growing and cultivating it and it helps with my crippling nihilism and fatalism.
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  11. You dont have to pay, you are totally allowed to go off grid and live off the land. Have fun with that shit.
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  12. not true depending on local bylaws where you live. Even if you outright own the land, there are still annual taxes. I lived in an off-grid community and regional government kept trying to shut us down due to them wanting different septic systems for the cabins. Can't fish without a license, can't hunt wild game without one, and they do enforce and take your rod and equipment away. This is the world we live in, it is the illusion of freedom
  13. Without the rhetoric and rationalizations...a straight answer always shines!

    The problem with this answer, "to get stoned," is it causes an immediate negative judgment when given to the wrong person. In some circles, an admission like that (at least a few years back) would bring the "gendarmes" and agents from Child Protective Services to your house.

    On the other hand, here in Cali, where every second person smokes weed (a slight exaggeration, perhaps), you're more likely to get a smile than a dirty look I spend weekends in a somewhat gentrified condo complex on the California coast, and when my dispensary guy made his first visit, he told me that he has delivered to 22 of the condo complex' 50 units at some time in last couple of years (he had no reason to lie). The average age of most residents here is 50+, mostly Silicon valley commuters or retirees.

    Of course, demographics of population in SF Bay Area is not necessarily typical of the rest of California,and certainly not of "middle America."

    So, the reason I have returned to the "world of grass" is to get stoned.

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  14. Took me almost 3 years to realize the medicinal value... not just the "getting stoned off my ass" part.
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  15. I'm just glad Canada made the cut.
  16. Weed is loose
  17. :eek:Bolt
  18. money cripples people but its buys them what they cant/wont do.... still, going off the grid when theres all that stuff out there to buy... :GettingStoned:

    btw in canada, they expect a shortage... thats bullshit because they bring in mass producers while the black market is still producing a whole lot... no way there wont be millions of ounces available all year
  19. We are Wage Slaves to corrupt corperations who hide behind the curtain of government who hold almost all of us to 9-5 jobs for less than living wages. If we could set ourselves free and cast off the shackles of our masters and over throw them we will find happiness.
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