Why do most people smoke weed now?

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Kellie C Battle, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. According to the UN’s latest data, here are the top 10 weed-consuming countries in 2014:


    Use: 9.86% of the population

    Status: Illegal, but soon to be decriminalized

    9. Australia

    Use: 10.3% of the population

    Status: Illegal

    8. Spain

    Use: 10.6% of the population

    Status: Legal for personal use. Illegal to produce, sell or use in public

    7. Canada

    Use: 12.2% of the population

    Status: Illegal for recreational use. Legal for medical use

    6. Nigeria

    Use: 14.3% of the population

    Status: Illegal

    5. New Zealand

    Use: 14.6% of the population

    Status: Illegal

    4. Italy

    Use: 14.6% of the population

    Status: Illegal to produce or sell. Decriminalized for personal possession

    3. United States

    Use: 14.8% of the population

    Status: Legal in 22 states and D.C. for medical use. Legal in Colorado and Washington for recreational use

    2. Zambia

    Use: 17.7% of the population

    Status: Illegal

    1. Iceland

    Use: 18.3% of the population

    Status: Illegal
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  2. I don't care what the UN says. Fuck them.

    People smoke (ling term anyways) because they love it and it helps cope with the bullshit of slave life.
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  3. #3 BloodyGanja, Mar 15, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
    Because weed is being smoked by most people now.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. "Slave life" :laughing:

    But seriously, I think as the world population increases, the amount of people who do anything, smoking weed included, increases. That coupled with deconstructing weed propaganda, at least in the US, has probably led to an increase as well.
  6. #6 TayeMega, Mar 15, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2017
    Only 14.8% of the US population? I want to see stats that dig into generation and age. Also, that number could be skewed for the shear fact that people may not want to admit to others that they smoke. I'm not buying it. Also keep in mind that there was a study done that showed that at least 44% of Americans have "tried" weed. I wonder if these studies focus just on consistent and active users or include the weekend or once every few weeks people who smoke occasionally, Also, don't forget that these surveys include a very small sample size of the population that not always represents the entire country. I would have said more close to that 18-24% range but what do I know. lol.
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  7. There are 28 medical states in the US and you forgot about 6 other legal states...

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  8. It is better than alcohol.
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  9. That US Info is wrong...stop believing all that you read...
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  10. It is a little behind. Alaska, Maine, Nevada, California, Massachusetts, and Oregon have all fully legalized it for recreational use too. And more to come. Also, a lot of americans wont admit it because of the stigma behind it.

    EDIT: it did say 2014, but pretty sure Alaska was legal in 2014 too. Anyways, I think more people smoke than that personally ;)
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  11. Because we have free will and with child molesters and murderers roaming the streets the last thing I'm going to do is let some pretentious, most likely criminal to some degree, shill, politician convince me or anyone that we're bad people for smoking a plant that's been around longer than our system of government and has never killed a single human being.
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  12. I'd say the only reason to smoke is if the vaporizer broke down...
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. It's medicine, maybe that's why we consume cannabis?
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  14. Im in Australia (number 9) reason my wife and I smoke is to get stoned..
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  15. I think many start because it feels good to get high and realize it is good medicine for mind, body and soul.
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  16. #16 SCHMUSTIN, May 2, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: May 4, 2017
    I'm in Canada. I use it for sleep and pain. I am statting to get used to the high and enjoying it more.

    Sent from my SM-G935W8 using Tapatalk
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  17. I know he's seen as a joke, but I always thought the Enhancement Smoker from Halfbaked was absolutely right.

    That is what we all smoke it here for: To enhance whatever we happen to be doing. Whether you are watching Monday Night Raslin, or attending a lecture at M.I.T. , the herb simply enhances it.

    I stopped listing all the things that are great when high, and just accepted that everything is better high. I have a pretty cool life without it, but man is it better with it. :hello:
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. Slave life yes because technically we are slaves if you stop and think about it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Salutations Kellie C Battle,

    About this question, VERY SPECIFICALLY (and very globally at the same time!...):

    « Why do most people smoke weed now? »

    In my opinion today's popular conjecture of cannabis vs smoking is a result of said consumption method becoming a commercial success on the planetary scale, which in turn was made possible by this man, initially:

    (James Albert Bonsack - Rolling Machine - Patent US 238640 A)

    Too bad this also happened to coïncide with the origins of bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionism, more exactly under Queen Victoria in 1885 (Qc/Can), as far as i'm concerned:


    The mere existence of such a "Loi de Pharmacie" actually states in itself quite a simple and evident fact: cannabis was officially considered a provincial responsability between 1885 and 1923, then Henri-Sévérin Béland performed his unilateral transfer of authority to Ottawa, without a single debate, of course...

    Imagine, no so-called "experts" objected to the classification of "Indian Hemp" as "Poison" besides arsenic and/or cyanure?? And what for?! ... C'mon! Lucky Trudeau he won't need to repeat such a clever Liberal trick under similar "medical" representations today - or he'd face some serious legal challenge(s).

    M'well, that reminds me finally... So here's exactly what's the second reason why so many persons still smoke their cannabis: it's the fault of a mass phenomenon which progressively allows the bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionists to cause permanent prejudice while blaming their victims for it, essentially. They have their human sacrifices and we get to wonder what it was for.

    Our own public "servants" now seem motivated by love-of-hate/hate-of-love; take Trudeau's "legaleezation" project , for example: there's no love in it. It is politicians like him who always interfered by putting their weight on the wrong side, which i'm sure comes with socio-toxic consequences nobody has to respond for, long after, eventually...

    Hence the second monster is anonymous while it turns us into individual victims. Directly or indirectly, including by failing to our government's most basic duties, which are to protect public health.

    Yet they don't miss 1 opportunity to vilify our noble molecules with our public institutions remaining contemplative. How can one expect talking apes to remove the vilification factors of the pro-cannabic habit (and prohibition side-effect$) knowing it inherited its consumption method from the cigarette industry, which the liar$ already heavy taxed to "save" the lost children of planet Itnoc, euh... etc.!

    Lets add the economic aspects and it's all pointing a finger at paper + glue pyrolisys, euh...


    In other words, the reason why most people smoke weed is because they don't have a better option and the bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionitsts ain't gona provide us with any of those neither.

    As a matter of fact i'll just say i'm not impressed by e-Cig alternatives nor the Dry-Baking Ovenizers that sell a few hundred bucks each. Lucky me i got all i need now!


    But suppose someday there's a way to beat rolling paper to a point sales no longer support the inventories, in a remote future, etc., etc. Now where on earth will kids be supposed to find their "raw" models when all that's left is adults using such better alternative?...

    So i'd conclude rewording your most essential question: « Why do most people STILL smoke weed now? »


    Good day, have fun!! :D
  20. Thats the only reason i smoke.... My life is fucking awesome and smoking pot here and there is just a VERY small part of it. I would hate to live a life where i needed pot to somehow cope, that to me sounds like a problem.

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