Like, I don't care if you believe in God, flying unicorns, or anything else, I don't care if you don't believe in any type of god/supreme being or unicorns or love at first sight or anything. I care that you use logic and are open minded. You cannot logically assert that there is a god. You also cannot logically assert that there is no god. There is absolutely no proof or even substantiating evidence for either assertion. We simply do no know. It is therefore fallacious and wrong to make either statement. It is downright egregious and depraved to try to force other people or persuade other people to take on either assertion as fact. It doesn't matter which one you believe, since only one can be true and most people are inclined to choose, you just need to stop being so closed minded and let other people believe what they want as well. It doesn't matter how disturbing you think their beliefs are, believing in either statement is disturbing because you can't logically believe in either! This doesn't just apply to the debate between whether there's a god or not. Every instance where you don't have evidence yet believe in something, you should just completely refrain from trying to get other people to join your side. It is illogical and therefore stupid no matter how much your emotions compel you. We need to move away from these nonsense illogical debates about whether there's a god or not and just accept that no one knows despite belief. We need to accept that some subjects in science are just theory and stop treating them as fact when people disagree about something. We need to stop bickering and start getting along again. Humanity needs to be able to work together and unite regardless of petty differences, but as we stand, there are so many petty differences to take difference on that there's no agreeing completely with anyone. We HAVE to be able to look past that logically and move forward regardless of what we think about in our spare time. It's just illogical to even bicker about because neither side is right, so there's no winning or getting anywhere. It's just a popularity game among theories that everyone plays like a bunch of morons. It's time to move forward and deal with reality so we can move forward regardless of what people can't help but believe in.
Religions tainted the water for everyone in regards to how we should live in this place that may or may not have a god. Religion seems to be about limits some of them good, some of them bad, and a lot of them preventing us from marching forward.
very good point indeed. i'm a deist so i tend to get along with both sides. lol although i know what i believe might not be true. however i think it's ridiculous how atheists and christians can be how sure they are right. They think of their belief as fact when it should be regarded as pretty much the theory they think is right.
Politics and corporate marketing have done the same thing, though. It's ridiculous to call out one area of humanity that's deviated from logic just because it's on the side you disagree with while ignoring the rest. I mean, the government is all about limits and prevents us from moving forward, but rather than aspiring to logic and allowing everyone to move forward, you're fallaciously attacking one instance just because you're too closed minded to the real problem and why we aren't allowing each other to move forward.
Since logic is so important, explain to us how someone goes about proving a negative assertion. Not even about god. How does one prove that unicorns don't exist? Logically. Where I'm sitting, if something doesn't exist, you won't prove that. That proof is unavailable. On the other hand, if something does exist, the proof is available. Horses exist - I can show you one. You can pet it, and then you'll have to be a contrarian to say that it doesn't exist. Unicorns do not exist - no one has ever seen one. I can show you no unicorns, but it will not satisfy you. The demand for negative proof is irrational, and the demander can choose to never be satisfied until they know everything there is to know in the universe. And they can then even continue disbelief by dismissing their own unlimited knowledge as flawed somehow.
There is no demand for negative proof. It's about refraining from making conclusions we can't make logically. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence; burden of proof doesn't substantiate a claim just because proof isn't provided and that is where atheists go wrong and fall into fallacy.
You demand someone to prove the negative claim in another thread, then you say there is no demand for negative proof here even though you have placed the demand into the context of constraining logic to proving a negative. You're going to have to get real and at least be able to acknowledge your own behavior before I'm going to take anything you say seriously. You've just lost 8 of your lives tonight. One left.
That "demand" in the other thread was a figure of speech to point out their fallacy followed by basically the same explanation offered by this thread. There is no demand for negative proof. Also, the bold is bullshit. You have no place talking to me that way and need to leave my thread and add me back onto your ignore list if you can't behave maturely. You are barely respectable, based on past demonstrations of you ability to reason logically/reliance on fallacies in arguments, so I really don't care if you take me seriously. I'm not your cat.
Unhinged for pointing out your immature behavior, like trolling this thread? Like I said, I'm not your cat, buddy.
I just think it's sad and wrong that people can't move past petty difference for the sake of mutual edification and bettering the world around us. It's ridiculous and people need to stop. We need to use less force, less harsh words, less offence, less accusations and do more seeking and reaching out to each other. Being closed minded and argumentative at everything rather than being open minded and accepting is illogical because of the additional problems it creates. Edit: Oh and just to be clear, what I'm pointing out is the difference between saying "I do believe in God" or "I don't believe in God" and making an actually claim about the existence of God. Both "God exists" and "God does not exist" are fallacious, unsubstantiated claims while stating your belief in something is what's example. It's the difference between sharing an opinion and trying to moronically disregard an opposing opinion or force the other person to adopt your opinion. Sorry for the triple post.
I would argue that you can make logically valid arguments for both the existences and nonexistence of a theistic deity. The big names in philosophy have been doing exactly that for thousands of years. Very few of these claims have been completely refuted. From a logical standpoint, the biggest obstacle is that god is such a poorly defined term, and continually resists an operable definition, that comparing and contrasting these arguments is virtually impossible. In a more pragmatic sense, in everyday life, these questions really boil down to a system (or non-system) of epistemological inquiry, which can vary significant from one individual to the next.
[quote name='"KenjaminK"']Like, I don't care if you believe in God, flying unicorns, or anything else, I don't care if you don't believe in any type of god/supreme being or unicorns or love at first sight or anything. I care that you use logic and are open minded. You cannot logically assert that there is a god. You also cannot logically assert that there is no god. There is absolutely no proof or even substantiating evidence for either assertion. We simply do no know. It is therefore fallacious and wrong to make either statement. It is downright egregious and depraved to try to force other people or persuade other people to take on either assertion as fact. It doesn't matter which one you believe, since only one can be true and most people are inclined to choose, you just need to stop being so closed minded and let other people believe what they want as well. It doesn't matter how disturbing you think their beliefs are, believing in either statement is disturbing because you can't logically believe in either! This doesn't just apply to the debate between whether there's a god or not. Every instance where you don't have evidence yet believe in something, you should just completely refrain from trying to get other people to join your side. It is illogical and therefore stupid no matter how much your emotions compel you. We need to move away from these nonsense illogical debates about whether there's a god or not and just accept that no one knows despite belief. We need to accept that some subjects in science are just theory and stop treating them as fact when people disagree about something. We need to stop bickering and start getting along again. Humanity needs to be able to work together and unite regardless of petty differences, but as we stand, there are so many petty differences to take difference on that there's no agreeing completely with anyone. We HAVE to be able to look past that logically and move forward regardless of what we think about in our spare time. It's just illogical to even bicker about because neither side is right, so there's no winning or getting anywhere. It's just a popularity game among theories that everyone plays like a bunch of morons. It's time to move forward and deal with reality so we can move forward regardless of what people can't help but believe in.[/quote] Look around you man, that's proof enough there's a Heaven above.
Interesting a look around and see science and logic lol then i look further and i see death, starvation, war, rape, slavery yea, heaven alright, if you move the sign a bit you may notice it was recently hung over what used to say hell
[quote name='"SIRSOG"'] Interesting a look around and see science and logic lol then i look further and i see death, starvation, war, rape, slavery yea, heaven alright, if you move the sign a bit you may notice it was recently hung over what used to say hell[/quote] Everything happens for a reason dude all the bad stuff to. It's one of the great mysteries of why.
lol i dont believe in god or religions or heaven in any way shape or form and good or bad things have no effect on that
[quote name='"SIRSOG"'] lol i dont believe in god or religions or heaven in any way shape or form and good or bad things have no effect on that[/quote] Well that's a way to look at it
And if atheists used logic, they wouldn't make fallacious statements like "there is no god" rather than just dismissing the questions since there's no evidence and we therefore just don't know. You need to understand that both sides deviate from logic. The only logically valid stance on the subject is agnosticism because there is no evidence to draw either positive or negative conclusion from. I am an agnostic theist and I use logic. I simply believe there is probably some kind of higher power, something more. If not a creator, then at least something more to do with consciousness. I don't state that there is, because we don't know, I just don't believe we've figured everything out and that this is all there is. I believe that logic must be used to understand it, though. I believe that if there is a god or creator or something that they created logic for a reason. It's simply the correct way to think. I use logic in my theistic beliefs just as I use logic in my scientific beliefs. I believe in compassionate living because it logically results in a better life. I believe that people shouldn't sin or do wrong because it logically results in negative consequences. When I go to define sin, I look at the results of the action, the reasons for it, and don't blindly judge. If God exists, then I believe He is objective and would judge things logically. In fact, God to me is closer to an objective reality than any type of crazy guy with a beard blowing shit up. I also don't illogically dismiss the theological interpretations of other theists who blind themselves to one school of thought like some organized religion. Just because the Roman Catholics are mostly a bunch of hypocrites all the way up to the Pope, it doesn't mean that they don't have any valuable philosophy to learn from. It basically just means they're bad at following it, hence being hypocrites. lol Just because Hinduism is different than the Abrahamic religions doesn't mean it doesn't also have some sensible philosophy to learn from. I mean, religious people blindly discount all of the teachings of other religions while failing to follow their own because not everything is agreeable and then atheists discount the whole of religion, but if you actually look at religion, it's where a majority of philosophy has occurred since before science really took hold. If you approach it from an unbiased perspective and look for what the author was trying to teach, much like you would look for the moral in a Little Bear story even though bears can't talk, then there are some profound, reasonable, and IMHO a few correct lessons on how to live a good life. I mean, I feel like what too many atheists do is similar to taking the whole of American jurisprudence, including all of the ancient legal principles we derived from English law, and dismissing all of it, every last theory, simply because it's labelled American and the prohibition of marijuana is fallacious/our leaders are morons, etc. It's illogical and fallacious to do such a thing in itself and that's the type of stuff I'm frustrated with. We need to stop closing ourselves off to each other just because we disagree on one thing. We need to stop dismissing the teachings of entire schools of thought just because we disagree with one aspect. We need to start focusing on what we agree on, striving for mutual edification, and actually start doing some good in the world rather than bickering like a bunch of drunken morons in a bar.
I could be wrong but I might be willing to bet money that the lion's share of atheists are agnostic ones. I really doubt any atheist would ever say "there is no god" if there weren't so many people screaming "PRAISE GOD!" Almost all of the atheists I've ever met would probably be willing to come back toward agnosticism afterward if you asked them to. I could not say the same thing about theists. A lot of them will bend over backwards just to deny the validity of any doubt. I have no doubt that you live a compassionate life. But on an effort scale of 1-10, you can't be much higher than a 5 if you're wasting your time on the internet talking yourself up. Mind you, five is good. I'd rate the same. Certainly a lot better than a lot of people. But I'm keeping my excess money for the future when I could be giving more of it away. I've got a stuff I don't need. I could be doing a lot more.