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Why are women so fucking stingy.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by broman, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. I'm friends with some girls that smoke and we meet up a few times a week or whenever we see each other. We live on campus. They almost never pitch in so last night I called them out on it and they got pissed. My guy friends took their side too because they are pussies. I wouldn't care if it only happened a few times or if they were DTF, but none of those are true so I did what I had to do.

    Am I in the wrong here? Gas, grass, or ass right?
  2. :laughing: A few times is OK, but after that getting pissed off in understanding. I have no issue smoking folks up, but my green comes in really, really cheap so, whatever.

    You were in the right, Blade. Fuck cheap bitches :D
  3. So you smoked them out and they didn't return the favor? You can't get mad that they didn't return the favor. Ask them if they want to throwdown on some bong rips or a joint, if they say no or don't have any, don't smoke them out, simple as that.
  4. #4 ziggy513, Mar 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2012
    It's not only women. I'm a girl and fuck, I smoke out TONNES of dudes but I never expect anything back, why should I? They're my friends, even if I barely know them I don't mind sharing as long as we can all just chill. It's simple, if you're expecting to get smoked back but they won't, then don't smoke them.

  5. You aren't wrong about that particular situation, but you are wrong to classify all women as "Stingy"....Do you know how many "MEN" (used term loosely...LOL) I am always kicking a bud or two? I don't think they are stingy, and I make the choice to share...If their presence and "freeloading" bothered me I would simply tell them that they need to bring their own next time (in a joking way..."Hey man...Can't wait to see that huge nug I know you got for me next time..Ha ha ha...") or not smoke in their presence...smoke before they get there.

    In my opinion just be honest with her...Tell her you are a student too and if she wants to dip into your nug jug she needs to add to your piggy bank...But do know, not all women are stingy...Depends on the company you keep. :smoke:
  6. Its a lose/lose situation. You either smoke them out and have to bite your tongue, or become the jerk that yelled at college chicks.
  7. #7 RussianHaze, Mar 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2012
    if after a few times they still bitch especially if they have bud screw them dotn smoke with them anymore. I have found that when people act like that every time and you just say ight wtvr they begin to think its normal and they can ask u to smoke them up whenever they want to. I mean i smoked out friends for months on end smoetimes but they didnt ask me to, and werent mooching. Its one thing to smoke up friends and another thing to smoke up people who just want that from you, if you have no bud your useless to them. i hate people like that
  8. if vacuuming and making sammiches was a paying job i bet theyd smoke more with ya.

  9. If you have a problem with them not tossing in then just dont smoke them up anymore or just keep telling them you dont have any weed. Calling people out on shit like that in a room full of people is a dick move.

  10. I did ask them if they wanted to throw down and one of them had a g with her but she said she was trying to save it because it was her friends who wasn't there (which is a total bs lie). Thats why I got pissed.

    I don't smoke people out and keep records expecting them to smoke me out that many times but when you smoke them out every time for a few months and they never pitch in I just feel like I'm being used. And that's not cool. I'm pretty generous but I can't stand moochers like that.

    Yeah I was wrong to label all women as stingy lol but I was kind of pissed while I wrote that. But then again lets face it women are (from my experience) more stingy about spending their money then men. You guys expect guys to pay for a lot of things. Which isn't a problem, if you're dating the guy. :p
  11. I suppose it depends on who is inviting/hosting. I believe if you invite someone over to smoke they are under no obligation to pay for the sticky icky. However if this is a mutual agreement or something like that then ya ask them to help pitch in. If they refuse, find some new friends lol.

    Oh and it sounds like your guy friends are just trying to get laid. Fuck em. I wouldn't share my pot with a bunch of stingy backstabbers.
  12. Honestly, I think most girls think that since they have a vagina = free drugs.

    'Nuff said.
  13. welcome to college man, get used to it more if you live off campus and have parties

  14. /thread
  15. Fuk bitches always say that I don't support noone habitat but mines I work my.ass for my.dank... No throw in no smoke simple.. and those dudes ain't being pussy there probably smashing ur friends lol not u using u for weed haha.
  16. #16 fitftw, Mar 19, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2012
    If you're not at least getting your dick sucked by one of these cheapass broads, then stop hanging out with them, and DEFINITELY stop smoking them out for free. Trust me, you keep doing this and all you'll be left with is no money, no weed, and blueballs. Tell those bitches "NO" and watch the good things that happen to you.

    That is, if you're sexually attracted to any of these women. If not, disregard what I said, but still don't smoke with them anymore since it obviously bothers you that they don't pay or throw in.
  17. This is a topic that I am not going to get involved in as I have had some experiences that would make you do a double take and lead to you asking for my number to call and invite me for a smoke session ON YOU! :)

    In addition to many lessons I have learned along the way (because I never learned anything the easy way....EVER) I learned to think before I type/speak...Stereo types and communication fueled by anger/irritation only lead to however many apologies you are going to owe and then to the opinion (stereo type if you will) others have of you. In some cases it may take a while to "win" people over again. Just sayin'. At any rate, this is not one of those times as you really didn't say anything too bad....It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize you were venting...Just throwing a couple of things out there for you...

    --------> Passing to you......I loaded it! ;)


  18. Haha fuck that man. Like I said I only give free shit to girls I'm dating.

    Lol they aren't smashing those bitches, but they are trying pretty hard. I have a beautiful gf back home so I'm not even thinking about cheating on her. All of my friends including the girls know that I have a gf and have seen her so they know I'm not even slightly interested in them like that. But yeah my friends are fucking whipped as fuck. I probably should just ditch them and find new friends.

  19. Ha ha I believe you. You seem like a really cool chick, why can't I meet more friends that are girls like you?!?! Just my luck I guess lol. Anyway thanks for understanding that I don't hate all women :).

    Toke up :smoke:
  20. While I'm sure not all girls are stingy....

    In my entire toking career, I've had plenty of guys offer to throw down when I smoked them up, or offer to at least throw down money if they don't have weed.

    I've NEVER had a girl smoke me up, I've NEVER had a girl offer to pitch in, I've NEVER had a girl throw down money.

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