Why are we here?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by flapflip, May 12, 2011.

  1. I agree completely! It's funny though, because once humans existed, we instantly searched for an answer. It's in our DNA I guess. But the ultimate answer stems back to the beginning. There is a cause (not literally, but you ARE here because SOMEthing happened) for your existence, you are just the effect. One love all.
  2. There is no reason why we are here, we are just here.

    The universe has conspired to put us where we are.

  3. But why? ^
  4. There is no why.

    it just is.
  5. Life/existence is the only miracle, my friend. You are here to embrace it, not question it. (although it is only natural. Just stating my opinion.)
  6. #26 flapflip, May 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I find nothing wrong with voiceing your opinion =) I can't help but question it though
  7. Live how you see fit. :) I can't lie, I question a lot of things.. But ultimately, my faith says I should not question why things appear differently than what "science" tells us. Science, to me, is just a big mind game to us humans trying to understand what is beyond our grasp...
  8. #28 flapflip, May 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    That's exactly my beleif. I don't care what people with lab coats and microscopes think, I have my own beleifs. What is your faith?
  9. I am on this earth, to reclaim the Earth, to turn the Deserts into a Paradise, a Paradise most suitable for God and his Associates to dwell Therein.

    Mastery- You Must.

    That is why all of us are here, and why you are in the body you are in, and the circumstances you are in. That is the true purpose of ALL life, down to animals and plants as well, and higher up. That is God's own purpose, as God has a God he worships, and so on and so forth into Infinity. The God of this Universe was once a man, and yet earlier a plant.
  10. I don't label my faith. I simply believe we are here because of energy. We should strive to use as much positive energy as possible, and as less negative energy as possible. I'm not sure what happens after death, but I believe our reincarnation happens here on earth. The impression you give others IS your reincarnation in my belief. Heaven and hell is also here on earth. You decide which one you want to live in. This is only my belief though. Others are free to decide as they choose.
  11. #31 flapflip, May 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I never try to push my beleifs on others, I occassionally voice my opinions, but I never push them on anyone.
  12. That is very noble of you. I hate when someone thinks they have the ultimate truth. The truth is only what you make it. But I place extreme faith in my truth, as do you I'm sure.
  13. So... OP... do you now know why we are here?
  14. #34 flapflip, May 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    If I did, I wouldn't be here, I would be going door to door spreading the news. God... I sound like a fucking Mormon>.<
  15. The people who know why they are here, do you know what they do?

    They go and do what they were supposed to do.

    Like, become a doctor... or become a family man...

    And some of them think they're put on earth to go door to door and spread the news.

    It's a totally valid reason to be put on Earth. Otherwise there'd be nobody doing it.
  16. #36 flapflip, May 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I wasn't trying to bash the relegion, I have no problem with it, just that they go door to door telling you that your going to hell if you don't convert. I don't like people trying to press their beleifs on me.
  17. Who does?

    Dealing with them is a skill too.

    You should think of a way to properly deal with them.

    Coz there will always be people who think their mission in life is to convert you and save you from going to hell.
  18. #38 flapflip, May 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Most of the time I just tell them im comfortable with the relegion I have, and I have no intentions of converting to anything else. Most of the time I get either a nod and a "thank you for your time, have a good day", but I also get the ones that keep pushing
  19. And what do you do if the push on?
  20. #40 flapflip, May 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Honestly? I close the door.

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