Why are people assholes?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SublimeSativa, May 9, 2011.

  1. Human nature, that's why: Everyone has the tendency to be an asshole, just some people more than others.
  2. the best revenge is showing them it didnt bother you... and plowing the shit out of his mom. next time, carry a gun. lmao.
  3. People are just dicks, man. There isn't much we can do about that. It sucks, but then again so do people. I mean, look at the world. Genocide, war, hate, racism, terrorism...the list goes on. I guess humans are just wired to try to feel a sense of superiority over one another.
  4. Yeah it's kind of sad but i like to think if i'm nice to people a few will be inspired to be nice to other people. Probably a waste of time but it's worth a try and i always feel so good after doing good things for other unselfishly:eek:
  5. #45 Nswanson37, May 15, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Yeah I try to do that at least I know I'm doing my best to make the world a better place
  6. Shit like this always makes me pray karma really exists...I had my car broken into and had alot of stuff stolen the kids who did it even used my phone to fuck with my GF and parents basically causing huge problems for me. If there was one person I would enjoy beating into a vegetative state only capable of shiting their pants and breathing through a tube all while fully aware... It would be one of those assholes.
  7. That sucks, i thought being hit by a soda sucked, but that's awful. I guess people are assholes because they're so immature and heartless that annoying people and making their life hellish is amusement to them. It's just sad, i can understand teenagers just screwing around it's pretty normal. I hate to admit it but i did some assholish things when i was a teenager, but im past that.:smoke:

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