Why are my buds so small

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by dathaze, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. this the only seed I have of this strain. Would it b possible to clone if I get some cloning gel and put her in dirt under 24hr light
  2. It would be better if you just re-vegged her.

    It will take long to happen. But it's a good practice.

    when you chop her keep some of the bottom growth still intact and then throw her into 24/0 lighting after awhile she will get new vegetative growth.
  3. Huh what do you mean, how will I do that. Actually im still thinkin about how to harvest. So will I harvest majority but leave some bottom leafs n buds then put light to 24hrs. Also how do I harvest
  4. Also I was wondering. I dont chop the middle stem do I. Or if I was to do it the way you talkin do I chop the middle stem all the way down to where the new growth is. Then start revegging
  5. Basically just leave some foliage on there to start new growth Cut it down alittle below half way. There are a lot of threads on here that can guide you on harvesting. Just use the search button.
  6. Thanks alot hope this wrks out

  7. It almost looks like 1 GIANT donkey dick cola. :smoking:
  8. if you keep ur light closer u will get a bushy plant
  9. I think your plant looks great, man! Only thing I would say for next time is to top it during the veg stage. It will help your plant to grow bigger and bushier and you will have a higher yield come harvest time
  10. Yea I think I still have one or two mths of harvest time. I started flower mode in june if im not mistakin. Its blue hash. I still think she can grow a little more. Because at the bottom she grew new buds and more leaves
  11. For a first grow thats not bad...also they going to get bigger...if you can get some bud/bloom enhancer...give it to them and watch them fatten up.

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