Why are hats considered impolite?

Discussion in 'General' started by someoneorother2, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. Who the fuck would be serious about "gateway hats" come on now. What are you STONED or something?

    The only possible reason I can see for requiring hats to be off is what somebody said about not being able to tell if you're cheating in class. That actually makes sense, but just the fact that you have a dome of cloth over your head shouldn't mean shit anywhere else.
  2. this thread is a real gem

    people throwing some good zingers out there :p
  3. Yeah, I am STONED or something.Hey man you would be surprised about who would be serious about "gateway hats" come on now.
  4. IIt is just a sign of respect to take off your hat when you are in a room. Nothing irks me more than when I'm in the theatre or a restaurant and some moron is wearing his Devil Rays cap.
  5. #25 Bleezie_King, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2008
    because the man says it is

    but the man is wrong.

    don't listen to the man

    listen to us.

    the RUHWF (The Revolutionary United Hat Wearing Front)

    become a soldier in the fight against the EVIL that is the man and his communist non-hat classrooms.
  6. #26 Palmer Eldritch, Aug 18, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2008
    From what I've read, hat etiquette started off with knights lifting their visor for a military salute and is a sign of respect and non aggression. Tipping one's hat or taking it off is the civilian analog of this practice. After a while, it was just expected that anyone wearing a hat would follow these rules of civilized interaction.

  7. Maybe instead of worrying about people wearing hats inside you should be worried about being worried about people wearing hats inside.
  8. Everybody knows hats block God from beaming messages into your brain. Why else would it be impolite??

  9. 1. Then, should I take off all my clothes?
    2. Fixed

  10. because the man said so

    that is why u must join the RUHWF (Revolutionary United Hat Wearing Front)

    fight the man,


  11. *see my latest post in the Picture Thread and my avatar* I'm already a member.
  12. i always wear my hat/bandanna no one tells me to take it off but in certain places or special occasions i take it off outta respect.
  13. Like this?:

    :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:I'm a tranny:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  14. i wear hats to keep my hair from getting mussed by wind or what activity im doing,

    if inside ill usually take it off because there is no wind and im sitting/relaxing whatever.

    my parents are pretty anal about old customs and shit like that so they are usually the only people ill take it off when eating around

    and if somebody tells me to take my hat off, thats about as insulting to me as somebody telling me to tuck my shirt in or use a certain fork for my salad or some dumb shit

    worry about your damn self imo

    worry about your damn self.
  15. I can understand how it can annoy you in a theater, but what difference does it make if someone wants to wear a baseball cap to dinner? You should be focused on the company your with or what your eating... not other peoples' business.
    It's funny how you people whine about a plant being illegal and how absurd it is and then turn around and be such a little douche over something equally as absurd.
  16. I wish I had one of those razor blade bowler hats, like Oddjob. Then when someone told me to take off my hat, I would, but only so I could throw it at their face.

    Unless you're in a movie theater and someone with a giant foam cowboy hat is blocking your view, what difference does it make whether or not someone leaves their hat on? Mind your own god damn business.
  17. i've been wearing hats for so long im never without one and if i am than im wearing a bandana you know if someone tell me take off your hat its impolite i answr them in*i wont, try taking it off and i will snatch off your balls from your sac and force you to chew them*

  18. it's not cannabis WEED we need to have our children worry about! it's the gateway HATS!!!
  19. its just protocol of society. a sign of respect...

    if you dont like it or refuse to accept, dont go to places that enforce it..but have fun getting in to nice clubs.
  20. I blame video games.

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