Why Alcohol and Tobacco is Legal But Marijuana Isn't

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by sk8bum321, Sep 26, 2008.

  1. I've finally figured this out and it's not some vague "weed sets your mind free" or "the government is a bunch of douchebags" (which they are though).

    The reason tobacco is legal is for population control. The government knows that they can't get away with obvious types of strict population control so they help market an addictive drug that makes people die younger. Even if they don't die in their 50's they die in their early senior years and that way the government doesn't have to pay for their pensions (and sometimes veterans checks). They save money (gain a lot, too) and resources by eliminating 100 thousands of people with cancer sticks. Of course some people don't die from tobacco, but the government still makes money off of them.

    The reason alcohol is legal is because the government doesn't care about the people who's lives are being ruined by it. Think about it. What classes and age groups of people are most devastated by alcohol related tragedies...college students and the lower class. The government doesn't like college students because they are at a period where they are learning many radical new things and many are activists. The government doesn't like the lower class because the government hates poor people and the ghetto and anything related to it because they are classist.

    Of course they could never legalize weed, because weed is a drug that makes you feel great and has basically no negative health effects (in fact many positive ones). One day maybe common sense and logic will prevail over greed and power, but for now, fuck em and light up that joint. :smoke:
  2. it's a great stoned thought man but "the government" isn't a heartless monster or a hate-filled automaton, it's a dynamic group of men and women who individually aim to make the best decisions possible for the people who live in this country.

    If they could prohibit tobacco they would do so because they know of the death and lost opportunity it causes, they have had plans to do so but could never implement them due to the size of the resistance and the sure fact that it'd instantly create a black market that'd bring violence and organized crime into our cities.

    The story with alcohol is much the same.

    If there's one thing our Congressmen do wrong it's to allow idealism to govern their voting.
    That is the case with marijuana. I believe a large number of legislators genuinely believe that legalizing the licensed production and sale of marijuana to adults would encourage increased drug use among both adults and minors.

    I believe their heart's are in the right place but their reasoning is tainted by idealism, and the result is expensive, destructive policies that increase the dangers to our youth rather than decrease them.
  3. There is nothing wrong with any of the above, in moderation. IMO. Problem with our American psyche is that we "biggy-size" everything; we can't just smoke 1-3 cigs a day, we have to smoke 20-40, we can't just drink 1-2 drinks a day, we drink 6-10, etc.
    Tobacco is more harmful in the processed form; in the natural form it's merely full of niacin=nicotine. Tobacco is a plant full of niacin.
    What's niacin good for? . . lowers cholesterol, triglycerides. . .it's necessary for short term memory, it's necessary for neuromuscular function (if we had no nicotine=niacin in our systems we'd be paralyzed). Nicotinic acid is a necessary stinulant at the neuromuscular junction, where the nerves attach to the muscles so that they may move.
    Recently the UK produced a nicotine pill for prevention/aid in Alzheimer's Disease.

  4. they need to legalize so they can tax it. America would be a even greater nation if we did that.
  5. you know it.
  6. It all somehow makes sense now. Haha. Good post.

    Will do.
  7. Just imagine how much money this country could make if the government would just legalize America's largest cash crop, Cannabis sativa.
  8. War on drugs plain and simple
  9. What about indica? :D

  10. although there's still some debate, botanists have pretty much settled on the species being sativa, and the subspecies being sativa and indica.

    So all marijuana is Cannabis sativa, and the subspecies are Cannabis sativa sativa and Cannabis sativa indica. What we call "sativa" is Cannabis sativa sativa, and what we call "indica" is Cannabis sativa indica.

    At least for now ;)
  11. Don't forget afghanica. The "kush" strains from the middle east.
  12. Common sense and logic will NEVER prevail over greed and power. The trick is to never let greed and power become an issue, which it wouldn't be if the right people were in office. :confused_2: Looks like we're fucked. :bongin:
  13. Why is Alcohol legal and MJ not? Cause we let it be! Does anyone remember hearing about prohibition of alcohol? Was there ever an amendment made to prohibit our use of cannabis? No there wasn't... back in the day they had to somehow bypass the 10th amendment and create an amendment to the constitution to outlaw booze!!! Today no such steps are needed to be taken, because we have let our government get out of control in both size and power! They figure on you not reading the constitution or any other founding documents!

    Lets take back our rights by not allowing a two party system dictate to us how to live our lives, the government there is for our protection and the protection of our rights, not to tell us how to live, or make it easy/harder for us to live. Vote for third party candidates if you care about this issue, restore true checks and balances, don't just go with the lesser of two evils because the "dummy box" tells you that you would be wasting your vote otherwise, they want you to think that, they like the status quo...who do you think tells the stations what to say???
  14. The government can tax alcohol and smokes.

    Whereas, if herb was legal, everyone would grow, how can you tax that?

    Think about how much money the government makes off of cigarettes and booze.

    Maybe they feel in some way they wouldn't make as much money if people switched over to weed.

    I honestly have no clue, just kinda popped in my head.
  15. nah man, you can easily grow your own tobacco, and brew your own alcohol. they just dont want to give us what we want. the only way people would grow for theirselves would be if the prices are still high, and they can save a decent amount of money doing so. Who grows tobacco??? No one, but it would be easy to.
  16. Good point.

    I just want it legal man, seriously.

    Haha :D
  17. fuck yeah man. who doesnt. The world would be a better place. :rolleyes:
    and if i could id grow me a forest, and treat it like its my little kids.

    but at the moment thats just a dream.
  18. I would set up a huge outdoor grow op behind my house in the forest in a clearing.

    I'd have all different strands all separated and labeled, so people could come and pick out exactly what they wanted, and I'd have like everything. People would come from out of town and shit just to come look around at all the plants.

    It'd be like a tourist attraction, lol.

    And your souvenirs would be any strand you wanted haha!:cool:

  19. haha that would be sick but someone would steal your plants. and you probably couldnt sell it but itd still be sweeeeet.
  20. it'd last till fall, till someone with a truck came by and took the whole lot.

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