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whose parents are cool with it?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Ali20, Feb 10, 2012.

  1. #1 Ali20, Feb 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2012
    I wish mine were but not even close, my rents trip out hard and I get a nice yelling every time they smell weed.

    On a weekly basis my mom will smell the weed and trip out hard, goes on to tell my dad sometimes when he gets home from work and he gets mad as well, one time he took my quarter and I got pissed because I picked this bud up with my hard earned money and I was picking up after months, i told him i wanted my weed back, he ended up leaving the pot with me but told me to get rid of it by tomorrow morning, which was cool.

    Share some parent stories, and if your parent is cool with it or not.
  2. My moms cool with it. Blaze uP in room pretty much everyday. Moms bf smokes too
  3. I've been smoking in my house since I was 16. My mom smokes bud too, so does my dad.
  4. My parents trip hardcore when they smell any weed. :(

    But my dad flipped out a couple weeks ago :laughing:
    I obviously got anger shot at me the whole time hahah.
    :bongin: Still smoking :smoke:
  5. You are all going to be banned! Oh wow, minors! Jk. Yeah I still live at home for the time being and they are either chill or oblivious to it.
  6. Mine don't care now that I'm living on my own. But my mom and I do have rather green thumbs in the summer so it's now considered bonding time.
  7. My parents are both stoners.

    Smoke in my room, regularly.

    Smoke with my mom occasionally. Haven't with my dad yet
  8. Mine know I do it, and while they aren't completely "cool" with it, they never hassle me and my dad jokes around with me about it. My mum was raised with the whole "weed is the worst drug around" mentality, and while my dad smoked when he was younger he doesn't now, and he doesn't want my little brothers getting into it too young. So basically, as long I'm good about keeping it hushed it's all good :p
  9. MY rents are so chill about it "Aslong as you have a job an social life not a lazy bum who smokes weed all day we dont care" and my dad also has the occasional joint once every few weeks :p
  10. My parents don't approve of smoking marijuana but I wish they did so I could blaze a blunt with them!
  11. can't vote... my parents don't approve of it, but I'd hardly call them dumb
  12. Mom doesn't care that I do it, dad would probably be pretty upset.
  13. I've smoked with my mom once, she didn't like smoking but she doesn't have a problem with it as long as I stay out of trouble, my dad never gave a fuck what any of us did as long as it's not in his house.

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