Who's tried this tobacco?

Discussion in 'General' started by Ska, Feb 18, 2011.

  1. [​IMG]

    This shit fucked me up and I've been at 4-5 cigs daily for 2 years. I don't know if the perique filtered packs are this strong but pick this shit up if you see it you won't regret it. It'll knock you on your ass and there's no additives. This is the ryo perique blend by the way, I pick it up at my local Frolic. Tastes like heaven too.
  2. America spirit is PRIMO tobbacco.. i always pick some up when i do a border run.

    Wish the sold it here ):
  3. Only cigs I smoke...I like the blue ones a lot better.

    They come in loose fill pouches too :smoke:
  4. If I smoked grits, this would be the kind I would smoke
  5. I almost fainted from the nicotine halfway through my first cig ever of this.
  6. What kind? Nothing is showing up for me
  7. #7 Ska, Feb 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2011
    American Spirit Natural Perique Blend ryo tobacco (they sell it in a black filtered pack too - haven't tried them)

    Edit: [​IMG]
  8. Yeah I've smoked spirits, I like parliaments better. Don't smoke anymore though
  9. I love Perique but don't let their 'no additive' thing get you.
  10. i've never seen american spirits in a black pouch.

    i'll have to try it because my latest attempt at quitting didn't stick.
  11. Actually it really wasnt showin up but it is now.

    I used to get the blue box american spirits. Good shit
  12. The way I see it is that if they were lying about no additives, why wouldn't every other cigarette company add that on the box?
  13. Haha I know but then I realized I re-said the name in the op text. Yeah real good shit, but the blacks are on a wholllllee nother strength level.
  14. #14 steelhound56, Feb 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2011
    im personally not a big fan. I love Perique for my pipe, great taste and good buzz. American Spirit tobacco i do not like. Yeah, its organically grown (I dont buy into it a whole lot) but I personally think it tastes worse than a Marlboro, and is expensive compared to other, better RYO tobacco (like Drum, or Stockholm blend from my local tobbaconist)

    EDIT: 420th post, I would smoke, but im on a bit of a forced T-break since Sunday (job hunting sucks)

  15. Sounds like some solid logic.
  16. #16 Ska, Feb 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2011
    I would drop AS in a second as I think drum and bali shag are superior quality, but I don't know of any other available perique blends, help me out lol.

    MAKE SURE it's the black pouch, the perique is the only strong blend they sell that I know of.
  17. yeah, a pouch of american spirits is $10 at the smoke shop i frequent.
  18. Ive tried it before. I didnt notice that much of a difference.

    And you only said the kind, not the brand
  19. Bali shag is very nice, i love it whenever i feel the need for a smoke. Perique is ok for strength, but most smokers really dont feel a headrush from tobacco unless its the first one of the day.

    My Churchwarden however, makes people dizzy if they inhale a few hits of a really strong blend that i usually keep around called Three Friars, its a great burley/ perique blend.
  20. ive been smoking perique and using that same blend for years. not sure if you know, but that tobacco is aged in old whiskey barrels which gives it its distinct flavor and smell.

    +rep on good taste.

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