Whos Plant Is It?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by umbrukk, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. so there is this guy, lets call him A.
    me and my brother had some seeds from attitude we were planning to grow, we couldnt grow them at our house because my dad wouldnt let us.
    A came over everyday and constantly hassled my brother to give him the seeds for free so he could grow them himself. after along time. my brother got fed up with being nagged and just gave him the seeds to shut him up.
    after a few days A says he has a place to grow the seeds( a friend of mines house who is also a friend of his(lets call him D) ) so me and my brother set up our grow tent there and vegged one of the seeds in it for a month in d's house with his permission.(in this time i came over everyday, and watered her when she needed it, trained her, transplanted her etc. i did everything to keep this plant alive along with supplying all the equipment)

    then D had to move out so he gave me the plant which i took along with all my equipment and moved it to my house and put it in my wardrobe (i have permission from my dad) i started to flowered her and ive been growing her for over a month in my house.
    so A, to this day, still believes the plant belongs to him and i only get a small cut. even though it was originally my brothers seed, my brothers equipment which he left to me (he has recently moved overseas) and ive been growing it in MY wardrobe for ages.
    what does GC think?

  2. If you are taking care of them then I would say they are yours. So what if he says they're not. It's flowering in YOUR wardrobe and YOU'RE going to harvest, not him so it doesn't even matter what he says.
    Tip of advice though: Work alone. People always think that they'll still be friends and they'll grow a plant together and blah blah. But everything changes when people realize that the plant will be growing some crystally buds. Only time I really would work with someone else is if I was growing commercially and we had an understanding that it's about profit and it's getting split 50/50, which means that you each put in the work/money 50/50 too to grow the plants. Otherwise alone is the way to go IMO. 
  3. Its in your house and your taking care of it. So its obviously yours

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  4. #4 yoman1289, Jun 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2013
    Tell dat nigga to go fuck a duck but I mean better hope he ain't gonna do some rat shit
  5. They were your brothers seeds. I would just tell the kid there were yours the whole time, your brother just gave him the seeds to shut him up. That no one likes him and hes not getting shit. Then he would leave and never talk to you again.
    Unless he wants to fight, then you gotta be able to handle that shit.
  6. #6 Bronx Finest, Jun 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2013
    This. I wouldn't break the news that he's not getting jack shit until you finish harvesting because if he takes it wrong and snitches the last thing you wanna get caught up with is a plant

    Sent from my Nokia 3310 using Grasscity Mobile Forum app
  7. #7 atonsphere420, Jun 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2013
    Tell him to chill out
  8. Tell him the plant got mites and you had to trash it and move it to a different location he doesnt know about.

  9. Sounds like you're missing some details here. You said the seeds were originally from your brother. So your brother gave the seed to your friend A, he then takes the seed to D's house and using your equipment and work you take care of what is his seed.
    Did you have a discussion at all with him about whose it was? Did he question why you were taking care of his seed? Was he present when D gave you the plant? How much work exactly did you and him put into taking care of the plant?
    From what you said I'd just go 50/50. It was his seed and he found D to grow it, you admitted that (not sure why you didn't just plant your own) but you've put all the work and capital into the venture.
  10. #12 Deleted member 95373, Jun 9, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2013
    But D's place wasn't a stable growing place since he moved..... If he supplied the work, the equipment, and the original place that was given to him couldn't be used and he had to find a new place, I'd say it's 100% his.
    From what I can tell this plant would've died without him, or been thrown away when D moved out. Combine that with the fact that A has the nerve to say he should only get a "small cut" even though he's done more than 95% of the work and I'd say fuck that kid. Take 100% of it, don't give him a fucking dimebag. Personally I'd nod my head at him till you harvested, move all the stuff to another friends house in case he snitches and explain the situation to him, which is he isn't getting shit.
  11. They are yours
    If the PoPo finds them in your house then you go to jail so tell him to pound wood
  12. #14 Cruizer, Jun 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2013
    Yeah, participating in an illegal activity does add another dimension to the argument, that being who's taking the risk of jail time. You have the plant, you have control of where it goes and considering he's permitted such a situation to occur and then demand terms... I'd tell him to go fuck himself and hide it somewhere.
    But as with all illegal activity, it can get messy pretty quickly. Is this someone whom you want to be on the wrong side? That's why I suggested 50/50.
  13. Tell "A" he can go get F'd in the A, because that's your plant.
  14. #16 GanjFarmer', Jun 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2013
    This is what I would do, get a shovel, some soil and a backpack and hike that shit out somewhere for now. IMO this sounds like it can go sour quick and I dont want to see a fellow blade get locked up. I know you said that you started flowering but you can reveg it and it will get another month of veg in before flowering outdoors which means a bigger yield.
    Honestly this kid sounds like the type that would stoop down to calling the cops. I'm just trying to look out for you man. I would get that shit to a guerilla grow spot then tell him to fuck off and hes not getting shit. Just make sure you take down everything in your house so if he were to snitch there is nothing that could tie you to Cannabis cultivation.
    Actually it will get more like 2 months more veg in depending where you are located.
  16. my initial response was fuck A! keep the plant, and he geta no cut. but then again...your brother did GIVE him the seeds, and he was the one who found the spot to grow. with that being said...fuck A. he didn't grow it, you did. I think he deserves a cut, a small one at least

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