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  1. I really hope us New Yorkers are next I mean Jersey? Really? They can barely drive and they've legalized MMJ?? =p I mean cmon if New Jersey legalized it NY or pretty much any other state cant be THAT far behind. But we'll have to wait and see. So what State do you think will be next?
  2. nobody?? hmm, maybe no more states then?
  3. I'm going with Utah.
  4. Michigan? Just throwin' it out there.
  5. Michigan already did O_O
  6. Personally, I'd love to see Pennsylvania, New York, and Illinois join the re-legalization of medical cannabis this year.

    Or all of the States...:cool:

  7. just very well could be there not sure if they want to just legalize it or go with medical

    there looking for input so call
  8. New York, you let fucking New Jersey beat you to it.

  9. Well, it's NOT going to be YOUR STATE, unless YOU get off your couch and become an activist!

    Look, I spend hours every day posting comments in online news papers, helping folks on-line and also emailing YOUR representatives and congressmen- but I'M not from their states! They barely listen to me- because I can't VOTE for them! :( YOU they will listen to- especially if you mention you are a voter. (Get registered if you aren't already!)

    I do get responses, as from the Utah representative who admitted that he was uneducated about MMJ. He had some info, but I sent him a copy of my "Granny Storm Crow's MMJ Reference list" to give him more. His reply-

    "Thank you for the information. I have yet to get to the other info I've been sent, I've been extremely busy, but I am committed to learn about this issue. In the end we may or may not agree, but at least I've seen both sides.

    Thank you,

    Representative Carl Wimmer"

    He isn't pro-cannabis, but he IS willing to at least LOOK at the info! That's enough- the studies will speak for themselves. But if you're in Utah, it wouldn't hurt to send him a second copy- just to get the message through! (See my sig for how to get your free copy.)

    What about YOUR representatives and congresspeople? Even if they are total @$$#@!& prohibitionists, you can bug them by sending them my list! It might give them indigestion or something. :pOr email them a study/article a day! How long do you think they can ignore articles with titles like "Cannabis Compound May Stop Metastatic Breast Cancer" or "MARIJUANA SLOWS ALZHEIMER'S DECLINE"? Sooner or later, you'll send one that "hits home", and gets read. And one study is all it takes to crack the wall that prohibitionist propaganda has built in their minds.

    We have 14 MMJ states + DC - over 1/4 of the way to MMJ for all! There were ZERO MMJ states when I began using cannabis medically. Heck, there wasn't even the concept of MMJ when I started! We have come a LONG way!

    But unless YOU get off your couch and get busy, we all will have to wait that much longer for legalization.

    Granny :wave:
  10. Shit. My bad, I was faded when I posted. :smoke:

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