Who writes?

Discussion in 'General' started by Highbinder, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. Hey guys,

    Anyone out there a writer? Keep a journal? Write poetry? Scribble?

    Whats your prefered writing instrument? I've always found something cathartic about the sound of a pencil on paper.

    Answer my poll & discuss plz kthx :smoke:
  2. Lyrics, poetry, thoughts and ideas. I write alot of stuff, just for fun. I'd like to write by pen/pencil but my handwritting is very horrid. So I use the computer, much faster anyways.
  3. i write stuff
  4. I always must scrabble something while I'm at a desk (either on a desk or a piece of paper)
    Also I do a lot of calculating, writing and drawing so a pencil is my choice.
  5. I use to keep a journal with writing and a ton of sketches in high school but my mom found it and made me see a therapist so I threw it all away and never did it again. Too bad really, it would be cool to go through it now.
  6. my journals, lyrics, poems, idea's, etc are usually written in a journal with either a parker pen or a sharpie pen. I use fountain pen's sometimes, usually only if i'm trying to make it look really nice.

    When i'm working on my novels, i use the computer, because its just way easier to go back and make changes.

    I voted pen, because i use it more than the computer and fountain - but my vote goes to all, minus the pencil lol. Never was a pencil fan - sharpening is a bitch, and something unnatural about a mechanical pencil

    i hope to god nobody finds my journal, especially my mom - damn i don't want anyone thinking i'm as twisted as my journal knows me to be
  7. i like the pens with the ultra fine point and the gel ink
  8. #8 Misc, Sep 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2009
    I used to keep a journal, but now I just write stuff on a whim. Short stories are fun when I'm in the right mood..

    I post stuff over in real-life stories when I get the urge to share; sometimes it's just reflective anecdotes... and sometimes detailed short stories.

    Writing is one of my few natural talents; the process is so well-ordered in my mind, and I've retained the things I've learned over the years.. it feels like second-nature.
  9. I keep 2 journals. One just about my everyday life, and the other is about my dreams and spiritual ideas/discoveries.

    The new Sharpie pens are dope for writing though

  10. tried to rep you but i can't. Imaginary +rep for the new sharpie pens, and for two journals (i also keep two)
  11. I write constantly. I use a computer simply because I can get my thoughts down faster, and with a horrible short term memory, speed is key.
  12. I write rap and either use a pen and pad or my iPhone.
  13. i usually either write down with pencil and paper my philisophical and spiritual type writings, but i use microsoft word for any formal writing including journalism.
  14. I write short storys and lyrics etc, I use my macbook simply because it's convenient and when I'm at home that's usually where I'm at so I just open up the textpad and type.
  15. i mainly write poetry song lyrics and pros. it frees my mind so much when i have bottled rage to the point where i want to kill myself, or when I am euphoric, soaring above mountains. i also just write journal style when i don't have any creativity and just record my thoughts about how great i feel to how much i hate my life

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