with steve carrell gone, who do you think will take over? i have a weird feeling it will be darrel or dwight.
i thought it would be darrel, but apparently it is james spader, that creepy guy that they interviewed. look here: James Spader Joins Cast of The Office! - UsMagazine.com
I can't see Spader staying too long though. He's so bizarre and creepy, I can't see him becoming anything other than a Creed with authority. I had a sneaking suspension it would be Kelly, but I guess that magazine put those ideas to bed.
yeah it is also featured on the official the office facebook page. it is a bit of a letdown to be honest. im not a huge fan of there decision. i guess we will see though how it works out when the show is back!
Would be Funny if it was ray ramano I was laughing my ass off when he was gettin interviewed. That wouldn't really work tho in terms of the character
I hated Will Farrell's character. Don't get me wrong, I love the actor..but the character just clashed. I'm not a fan of their decision on this either. They need someone at least sort of sane to contrast with the crazy antics that happen. I really hope this works out well..
I might start watching this show now that Steve carrell is gone, I don't really think he's very funny.