Just finished smoking some males leaves. That was dried out for several days. Its a nice smooth mellow high, very relaxing. Good seeds = good male leaves. No LIE! Gonna make some oil and butter. For those who are tossing out your males, after pulling them. You are making a big mistake. They are good plants.
males produce pollen and can spread it as far as over a mile. some males still produce small amounts of seedy bud, but people pull them to prevent pollinating other peoples plants. males are waste of time unless you are a breeder.
[quote name='"bird630"']males produce pollen and can spread it as far as over a mile. some males still produce small amounts of seedy bud, but people pull them to prevent pollinating other peoples plants. males are waste of time unless you are a breeder.[/quote] Lol. He is not even talking about that. This fool is talking about getting high off of smoking male leafs. I am guessing he thinks y do people pull male plants and not just harvest them like females.
well im not calling you fool man, just trying to help you get a better smoke, and help you not cross pollinate any ones plants. basically, like I said before, if your not breeding, dont waste your time with males. not unless you want all your crop turning out male. growing cannabis is alot a time, effort, ans money and its not worth it to smoke some male leaves.
haha sorry man, I see what your sayin now. yeah you can make edibles and or oil. will it be very potant? not really. but I guess sometimes its better than nothing.
Why would you risk your whole crop and everyone else crop within a male radius of you to smoke a couple leaves. One male= whole crop ruined
Cultivation of Cannabis sativa L. in northern Morocco. (abst – 2005) [FONT="]Cultivation of Cannabis sativa L. in northern Moro... [Bull Narc. 2005] - PubMed - NCBI "[/FONT]In addition, the present study establishes that male plants, often considered deficient in delta-9-THC, contain levels of the same order as those recorded for female plants, both in the leaves and in the tops." And back when I started toking, virtually all cannabis had seeds. You guys are so spoiled! lol Granny
Male leaves might have as much THC as female leaves, but I don't want to smoke leaves of either gender, lol. Now, if I was growing a whole crop and had a few males, they would be compost. If I was growing a single plant that turned out to be male, you bet your ass I would try to make it into hash or edibles.
I got really high off a finished male plant before. As to the OP topic? They will get you high. May have a headache but they will get you high.
I agree Granny. Rarely would we in the late 70's find MJ without seeds. If you could find it, way too much $.
maryjane, you get my vote for worst neighbor of the year award, haha I would flip if I went out and found my babies were preggers, because my neighbor was growing males. Funny title too
again Granny,(!!!!!!!) those are fully mature males they are using in that blurb of a college paper, you link to. but it's unfortunate they're are not comparing buds to buds..but leaf content. if they cromo'd male to females flowers.. that would yield a whole different set of results post it all so they can see the truth please. so you want us to save males for a measly 2.1% THC ( hash is the 8.3%)... letting your males go full term WILL hurt your females yield, just so said males can yield out @ low the end of the THC spectrum. NOT GOOD ADVICE!!!!!!! also LMAO @ comparing today's Sensi to Lumbo bricks from the 70s. cuz even the natives in the Columbian highlands know how to cull males ( I was down there, back in the early 90s). it's' just hard to cull 100% of em on a 20 hectare farm(vs. a 5X5 tent). and you for sure didn't buy em in those bricks.. as those males that were missed, are generally removed at harvest/dry. @ Maryijane If my neighbor lets their males go, my neighbors loses all plants to a Roundup mishap
my name is august west ,,males plants suck period,, females leaves dont even get me off,,,if someone gets high off of male leaves im sure they will get high off practicaly nothing,,maybe cause i have high tolerance
Chop your males, grind them up, and run some ISO over them. Never tried it, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work.
this thread is too funny... Smoking male leaves. thats like saying drinking mouthwash will get you drunk..
Like I said Male plants gets you HIGH!!! Dried and cured some leaves. Buddy and I smoked and got high as hell. No headache, just nice smooth mellow relaxing high. Made some cannabutter, oil and hash with rest. had 3 male plants about 5 feet tall. Used every part of it grind up after curing. Got edibles for days. Granny got more sense than a lot of you on here, I see. Thanks Granny took your advice. One happy camper.
[quote name='"maryijane420"'] Like I said Male plants gets you HIGH!!! Dried and cured some leaves. Buddy and I smoked and got high as hell. No headache, just nice smooth mellow relaxing high. Made some cannabutter, oil and hash with rest. had 3 male plants about 5 feet tall. Used every part of it grind up after curing. Got edibles for days. Granny got more sense than a lot of you on here, I see. Thanks Granny took your advice. One happy camper.[/quote] No one said don't make hash or edibles out of it that is what we were tying to get across . That is a much better idea thank smoking leafs.