Who Is The Girl in BlazedGlorys Avatar?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Dum Dum Boy, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. I guess I'm only gonna get annoying joke answers to this, but I'll ask just in case I'm wrong

    This. :laughing:
    Actually it's like Naomi something, or Natalie something. I don't remember I just got it off Google images
  3. 5/5 thread would read again
  4. It's my mom.
    "Hey mom!" :waves:
  5. it's very confusing for me and my penis when you guys put attractive women as your avatars
  6. stickie material right here :p :laughing:
  7. Why is this a thread though? Couldn't PM lol?
    he's not Dum Dum Boy for nothing!
  9. #10 BlazedGlory, Nov 14, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2014
    Meh I don't know the answer myself so asking in a thread is basically his only chance :laughing:
    I did find it by Googling "big boobs" :D
  10. lol :laughing:
    hmm that would bug the shit out of me
    when i look at her.. i can imagine being a pool maintenance boy cleaning out her pool filter while she seductively looks at me and begs for the D
  12. In your dreams haha!
    It might as well have been me
    or not lol
    Hey I'd totally rock a picture of you as my avatar instead, except then everyone would think I'm you :laughing"
     [​IMG]    :mad:
  16. when you have to make a thread asking about a woman in someone's avy it's probably a sign you need to go outside to try talking to real women lol
  17. Google image search. I can't on mobile, but its useful. Several times someone will post a pic saying something like its them or their photo and then you search the image and see it was 'borrowed'.
    Oh chill out buddy :laughing:
  19. Hey your name is the name of the bio ethnic killing virus on the new cod advanced warfare game, spelt with a c though

    Why do we call it the third eye? When really it could be the first

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