Who is protecting who?

Discussion in 'General' started by GGrass, Aug 19, 2011.

  1. We have guards (called yam in Thai) guarding the village (called moobaan in Thai) in which I live. And they ride around in bicycles, patrolling the area, one round per every hour, for the whole day. And night as well.

    Personally I think they slack off and do it every TWO hours instead of one, but I say it's fair. The day is hot, and the nights are sleepy.

    So far we haven't had any burglary in my house. Although the house to my left, left of the left, and the one across the house left of the left got robbed, but not mine.

    The yams wear uniforms, that make them look like 'janitors' more than 'guards', and they always look like they need a good sleep because they always look so tired.

    I think they work 12 hours a day. I think 12 hours is a bit too long to be a yam...

    Anyway, my sons asked me one day,

    "Who's protecting our house?"

    And I said,

    "The yams are."

    And they asked,

    "Who's protecting the yams?"

    I had to stop and think about the answer coz...

    Hm... who protects the yams?

    Poor yams... if they ever ran into a thief, they'll be the first to get shot at...

    Risking their lives to protect the people who treat them like ... dogs.

    The people who are under the roof of the houses, gaurded by these yams, consider the yams to be something slightly more clever than a local guard dog.

    Not the German Shepards or St. Bernards... but the local soi dogs that were trained to guard a house.

    It's getting too long. I'm losing my point.

    The point is, WHO IS GUARDING THE YAMS?

    And the correct answer is?


    The LAW is guarding the yams.

    If I were to tell my sons that the law is protecting the guards, then I had to create some sort of a super hero figure, called the LAWMAN... who will appear at nights and patrol the empty streets of our villages...

    And my kids will ask,

    "What if the theif has a gun and shoot at the LAWMAN?"

    And I can't answer,

    "He won't die because the law book is very thick and it can stop a bullet."

    because that is such a bullshit...

    My mind is brought back inside my head, which was attached to a man's body, driving a car with his kids sitting at the back, constantly asking too many questions.

    I remembered the kid had asked,

    "Who protects the yams?"

    And I reply,

    "They got guns too."
  2. I was expecting more
  3. Well see in my town we don't have yams, we have glocks
  4. time to become a samurai ggrass
  5. Wait, so ur not thainese??
  6. #6 Mantikore, Aug 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2011
    A ninja would be better suited. Sneaking around in the shadows, shooting poison darts, cutting the throats of rapist from behind, then taking a zen break to eat a riceball and regain health.

    Be a mother fucking ninja, on a T-rex, with a flaming sword..
  7. Check out my huge yam

  8. Black guys always have the biggest yams.. :mad:
  9. ya, but his has warts on it.
  10. you call them warts I call them friction bumps
  11. The yams protect each other. They yams protect you as well. Those who can protect themselves do and some that are nobler protect others. Cops get a lot of shit for what they are..

    John McClane: You know what you get for being a hero? Nothin'. You get shot at. You get a little pat on the back, blah, blah, blah, attaboy. You get divorced. Your wife can't remember your last name. Your kids don't want to talk to you. You get to eat a lot of meals by yourself. Trust me, kid, nobody wants to be that guy.
    Matt Farrell: Then why you doing this?
    John McClane: Because there's no body else to do it right now, that's why. Believe me, if there were somebody else to do it, I'd let them do it, but there's not. So we're doing it.
    Matt Farrell: Ah. That's what makes you that guy.

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