They are popular in Ontario. I'm curious to how many people do it and where in the world. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
We call them moke loads or mokie tokies here on the west coast..about 1/3 tobacco, 2/3 weed in a bong load and snap that bitch. Yeah I love them.
God I hope this trend dies off soon... Poppers are fucking disgusting and ruin your health. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I thought they were disgusting at first but where I'm from everyone only does them so I got used to them and love em now. But I agree probably very bad for you.
welcome to nicotine addiction you are now a tobacco JUNKIE....wait until you can't get your fix...withdrawals suck... Darwin being proven right, every time a junkie snaps a popper....
lol Im definitely addicted to nicotine...I smoke cigs and poppers doesn't make me a junkie. I don't kook out without any smoke lol. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
..ohh...stop smoking tobacco right now...never touch anything related to tobacco or nicotine ever again...prove me wrong, please...for your own good.
i dont get why people feel they are responsible for warning others about the harms of tobacco.... anybody old enough to purchase tobacco is old enough to know the dangers. its there life. i dont smoke tobacco, ive tried a popper once. snapped a good one. it was harsh and gave me mild spins and a heavy headache. not worth it Sent from my iPhone.
Because most people think, "It won't happen to me". Maybe not.. but if it does, it's gonna fucking suck.
I remember my first and only popper quite well. Took it back in 2010 when I used to smoke cigarettes. Took the hit, felt like hacking up my lungs for the next 3-4 minutes, then felt like throwing up and was nauseous for a good while. Fuck that shit man.
first time I took a popper I almost puked and was light headed for like 5 minutes. Sent from my Nexus 4 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I smoke a pack a day.... Do me a favor and harass the shit out of me for it until I quit. Fucking worst thing I have ever done to my body. Well that and that video I made with a pickle jar.... Jk, that was not me! Lol. Dude probably did less damage to his ass then I've done to my lungs tho.
because some people care enough, about others, even total strangers, they care enough, to say something.
lol no not neccesarily peer pressure just everyone had a popper bong Sent from my Nexus 4 using Grasscity Forum mobile app