White Lighter Curse

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by killanthawest, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. i thought the curse was dumb too hell i didnt even think about it until 2 days after i broke my arm
  2. The only time I got caught the person found my pipe and a white lighter right next to it... Needless to say never using a white lighter again.

  3. ^^This. Here's a story I heard about on another thread about white lighters, and it illustrates this perfectly:

    So there were these people at a smoke session and one guy brought his bong and a white lighter. They were passing it around, and one girl was taking a hit, saw she was using a white lighter and dropped the bong and lighter in the middle of the hit. She broke the bong and ruined the weed and they kicked the guy out b/c they believed it happened due to the white lighter. If that girl hadn't believed in the myth she wouldn't have broken the bong or ruined the weed, yet they still blamed the lighter.

    Your mind will find whatever it can to reinforce the beliefs you already hold.
  4. I used a white lighter once when I was a little kid, then 9 years later, I got fired from my job. I BLAME THE WHITE LIGHTERRR!!! :p
  5. You would've been in the same instance with any colour lighter you used. Such as, if you used a red lighter then you probably would have came on here and been ranting about red lighters instead of white ones.
  6. i never thought anything about the 'white lighter curse' until yesterday.
    it was sunday mornin, and me and my boyfriend jus woke up and were about to spark up, but we couldnt find our own lighters so i borrowed a white one off his friend.

    my sister was in my house (she practically lives with me recently).

    me and (lets call him X) were lets say..not "decent" (i was bent over my dressing table)..when my sister opened the door. all i could say was FUCK OFF at the top of my lungs and she left without sayin a word.

    she got in her car and drove off, by this point me and X had already sparked up again, using this white lighter. we got into bed and we're just in the middle when, guess who opens the door? my sister

    she hasnt been round again and when i saw her leave it was awkward glances at each other and nothing was said. so, so awkward :(:eek:
  7. I DO NOT believe in said curse, some however, may!

  8. I have never used a white light and nor will I, there ugly. lol

  9. hahah or maybe they broke the bong by accident and they were really high and then they thought it would be a good idea to smash the table with a hammer and blame it on the table.

    i know i'd do that...
  10. My first cop encounter was when I had my first white lighter.
    My other 3 were with different colored ones. Thus proving that all lighters are cursed.
    And then someone will come along who has never been cursed with any lighter.
    Thus proving that curse wrong,
  11. oh boy.... you're in trouble now. don't underestimate the lighter. the people that say it's nothing are always the ones to get picked off first in movies

    just sayin...... you've been warned
  12. Yea Man me And My boys got caught by the cops 3 times all with a white lighter we were in a band and we actually wrote a song about the curse and called white lion, lol


  13. Ya well, I didn't know about the curse at the time my pipe and lighter got found, it was a white lighter and no shit has happened since then.
  14. last weekend i asked for a lighter, and 3 of my friends held theirs out.. all white bics:cool:
    mine was in the car, another white bic

    take that crazy curse people. even got laid, and drove around town at 1am staring at all the cops :wave:
  15. Yeah Im sure the table just happened to collapse and no one accidently dropped it while smoking :rolleyes:

  16. its real, the first time i was ever pulled over was the first time i used a white lighter.

    the 2nd time i ever used on i blew a tire out in a car.

    but i think brown lighters are lucky ive always had great luck with brown lightters. with a brown lighter im able to talk head on to a cop all fucked up with no issues
  17. Almost as crazy as people blaming their misfortune or situation on a man in the sky.
  18. i always refused to use a white lighter when it was offered. i used to be known for throwing out peoples white lighters. but last week after the sad death of my beloved green lighter, i found a white lighter in my house and decided i was gonna use it. good shit has happened ever since i started using it. i guess white lighters are good luck for me.
  19. I found this:

    "Evidently, there is a white BIC Lighter Curse.

    The urban myth is that Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin and Kurt Cobain all died at age 27, were left-handed, and all died with a white BIC lighter in their pocket.

    That sounds all nice and scary, but there's one little problem. Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin died in 1970, Jim Morrison died in 1971, and Kurt Cobain died in 1994. The BIC Lighter didn't come out until 1973. That means that Kurt is the only one that could have died with a white BIC lighter in his pocket.

    Many smokers, particularly marijuana smokers, refuse to use a white BIC lighter. Some are so superstitious about them they don't even want to be in the same room with one.

    I'm sure a number of people have given white BIC lighters to people they don't care for as a sort of voodoo gift.

    My husband actually likes white lighters since you're able to determine how much lighter fluid is still in them easier than most colors.

    Guess you'll have to decide for yourself."
  20. I've only had one run in with police in my toking career. They took 4 grams from me and tried to give me a ticket. That was the one and only time I've used a white lighter, and it definatly won't happen again. I'm not one for superstition, but I don't know about this one.

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