Hey this is my first post, unfortunately it had to be this section. I noticed some white flies on my Tangerine Dream and she is about half a week away from harvest. I'm seeing eggs on a branch here and there. Should I just cut the whole thing down or should I try and fix the problem then harvest(If that would be the case could I get a list of bug sprays that wouldn't be harmful to my plant?)?
Spinosad em . Jacks Dead Bug will do. or you can just not sweat it, as you are really close to harvest.
really to close to harvest..consider the yellow card trick. http://forum.grasscity.com/blogs/vostok/31912-yellow-card-trick.html a little stress so close to harvest, will work in your favour, bug sprays won't, as the flys suck the juice out of the plant, plant will re-act by pumping out more THC type chemicals. use the yellow card trick. peace "V"