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Whiskey's California [Medical] Dreaming Pickup Thread, Macros, Reviews and Other Pics

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by whiskey, Feb 7, 2009.

  1. My dad said he thought that too in the 70s. He said when Ronald and Nancy Regan came along the nationwide view changed overnight almost.
  2. We've got to stay positive. I highly doubt that the US will be the first country to legalize, but I think we've made good progress so far. I'm going to stay hopeful.
  3. Sorry dude, I would kill for some Mr. Nice around here. Can't be enjoying it with that bad review of it, sorry for the bad expierence.

  4. Dude, these are all mids at the club, LOL. If I had more money I could be getting awesome shit.

    I'm trying to get another review up in a couple hours. I don't know what's next, um, how about some Purple Sunrise? I swear this shit looked like the ganga god shat it out, but it was delicious!

    No worries about the bad experience, there are plenty of other strains for me to try! :)

  5. that's the way it always is in southern oregon. Too bad I moved back up to portland.:(
  6. Alright, I'm sorry that I have severely neglected this thread, especially because I have several reviews ready to be posted. So here's a new one.

    Purple Sunrise [Indica]
    From: Grassroots [Dispensary, San Francisco]
    Grade: A-
    Type: Indica hybrid
    Price: $50/8th
    Looks: The buds were compact and long, tightly drawn in and very dark. They were extremely sticky to the touch, and seriously reminded me of little turds. When I broke apart the nugs themselves, the inside glistened in the light.
    Smell: The smell was pugnent, rich and almost rotten, like old fruit.
    Taste: Tastes like peanut butter and bruised apples and is earthy and hearty.
    Buzz Type: Creeper, heavy and relaxing.
    Buzz Length: 3-4 hours.
    Overall: I almost decided to pass on this strain, to be honest, everything about it was kind of unappetizing. It didn't smell delicious, and even it's looks kind of turned me off as it appeared much more brown under the lights of this dispensary, but I went for it anyway, and I'm glad I did.
    The high from this was a definate creeper that took me by surprise at how powerful it was. There was a slow, gradual build up and it is easy to smoke yourself stupid with this strain since you don't realize how high you actually are until it's too late. However, this weed was so resinous that I spent most of my time unclogging my bong which allowed me to feel the high between each hit.
    It wasn't long before my entire forehead was numb and I wanted to do nothing other than lay down. My mind was completely befuddled and I was glad that I smoked this strain at the very end of the day when I had nothing left to do. My body was so completely relaxed that everything I wanted to do was exhausting including watching the TV and it was nearly impossible to remain awake an hour into the high.
    This is the perfect strain for anyone with severe insomnia, like me. Not only does it relax your body, but it completely stops your mind as well, allowing you to quickly and easily fall into a very deep and restful sleep.
    This strain felt like an indulgence everytime I smoked it, being that it was so hard to gauge how high you were while smoking and sometimes the complete feeling wouldn't hit me until a half an hour after I had finished smoking. You know the nap you have to take after Thanksgiving Dinner? That's what this felt like every time.

  7. Duck incident days call for extra medicating :smoke::)
  8. Seriously. I'm working on it right now :bongin: Wish I was hitting this again, but I'm smoking LA Confidential tonight.
  9. nice, goodshit. youve convinced me to go to grassroots tommarow :hello:

    stay high :bongin:
  10. Nothing beats their selection.
  11. hmmm..I really like your thorough, informative reports. I was also gonna say that I don't like the looks of that purp sunrise pot because of the density, but it's high sounds like the type of bud I'd like to have lying around for certain situations.

    does your dispensary ever charge over 50 an eighth?

  12. yeah im thinking about picking up some sour diesel and a few clones :D

    you always have the best reports :bongin:
  13. Impressive as always, Whiskey. I'm looking forward to hanging out when I get to Cali!

    We'll smoke out of my new US Tubes-

  14. I think that will be the death of me, but I cannot wait.
  15. Damnit Trikky...

    Makes me wish I had a tube sooner.


    ever used USPS?

  16. And a couple pictures from my road trip last week to Las Vegas. We stayed at The Palms, and they upgraded our room ... it was an awesome time.

    Snow, a sight I don't see often

    Our suite

    At the Bellagio

    Some EXCELLENT wine

    And the reason we were there

    And I guess that was a lot of pictures, LOL
  17. Yeah a friend from school told me of this Blue Dream. apparently it is some fine marijuana
  18. :D:rolleyes::smoke:

    What can I say?
  19. Haha, just wait till you try the 27 inch JP TORO Custom Double Perc! That thing R.I.P.S (get it)!


    (sorry to throw pics in, I just can't help myself with talking about glass!)

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