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Which Weed is Which?!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by JeremyGood1, May 12, 2010.

  1. Hello everyone.

    I have just purchased a minimal amount of Jack Herer weed strain. :hello: I was smoking it, and I realized something that stole my attention... :eek: It tasted much like some sort of fruit, like peaches or pineapples. :smoking: As I was getting medicated, a grand idea bestowed a quest. :cool: I was to "Google" pineapple express marijuana and compare differences. ;) And just as I first theorized they looked entirely identical, only mine that I held had a substantial amount of THC crystals. :) So if anyone on this bitch know a damn thang about Jack Herer and Pineapple Exprezzi or if they are the same dod gamn shiz. Please, yo.:smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking:Answer, yo.:p
  2. you have neither :(
  3. what..the..fuck.
  4. :laughing: ^^ +1
  5. heheheheh,It's both :cool:
  6. ***** idk wat weed u smokin but I want some, none of that shit made half a flying fuck of sense
  7. less weed more English classes dude.

    just because its name pine apple express doesnt mean it gonna taste like pineapples

    weed looks like weed to me i hate all these stupid strain names because you can get white widow that has purple in it and call it purple kush

    i rather know dominance it is

    but really dude instead of buying weed buy some grammar classes or retake high school :confused:
  8. Maybe you should follow your own advice.
  9. because i missed a couple words aleast i didnt make up some kind of unheard of language.just to let you know i passes all my test with a's,so i dont think i need to retake high school,but im not gonna argue on this.

    Jeremy please do us a favor and retype this in English please:p
  10. #10 kiefer, May 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2010
    if you didn't understand what he said clearly you don't know english. it makes sense, you just have to put it into proper english, its like translating black person talk into understandable english. Understand...?

    Amen. +1 rep :hello:

    although you missed a couple words, you are still horrible at english. "just to let you know i PASSED all my tests with a's". Just sayin....:smoking::smoking:

    As for OP, I think strains is all a bunch of bullshit unless you know the exact source. If it gets you high it gets you high, call it dank weed my friend. :smoking::smoking:
  11. [quote name='kiefer']if you didn't understand what he said clearly you don't know english. it makes sense, you just have to put it into proper english, its like translating black person talk into understandable english. Understand...?

    Please locate the rock you just climbed out from under..Translating Black person talk? I'm Black and i speak perfect English and its people like you who constantly expect black people to use poor grammar and Ebonics..yes there is an actual term for it. Being of a certain race does not influence how a person talks, only the individual themselves and their surroundings can. So please stop being so ignorant and be thankful you live in a world that benefits from all cultures and not just one.
  12. Pineapple express is NOT a real strain. They said it in an interview.
  13. #14 weedski, May 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2010
    "Just to let you know I PASSED all my tests with As"... If we're going to get all grammar nazi on here.
  14. Haha, don't bring bad vibes into the city blades.
    I was able to understand him, and I chuckled because he's obviously blazed out of his mind. :smoke:

  15. hahaha you made my morning :smoke:

    Thank you, completely agree.

    I know what "black language" is called, i just like to call it that because its funny. Kinda like saying jewish people speak jewish. I live in the city and I understand that there are many black people who do speak normal and know how to use grammar and not talk like a fool, but also some that sound like complete morons, these are the ones that are all ghetto and shit, the ones that smoke regs...
  16. #17 VT_killah, May 13, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2010
    You misused the only way to start a sentence with the word "because." In your second sentence, you didn't put a space after the period, capitalize your first letter, or use the proper tense for the verb "pass." The word "test" is plural in the manner you used it; thus, you must add an "S" to the end of it (making it "tests").

    You used commas in two instances when the only appropriate punctuation would have been either semi-colons or periods.

    "Gonna" isn't a word in the English language.

    In your last sentence "us" should be replaced with "me", as only one person can type a response.

    Your English is moderate at best. Don't act like you're a pioneer of the language when your ability to speak it resembles the aptitude of a retard.

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