which of these countries would you choose...

Discussion in 'General' started by darksmoker, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. i have the opportunity, thanks to my job, to move to one of the following countries....which would you choose? why?

    Belgium (1 of 3 cities to choose from)
    Kosovo (1 of 3 cities)
    Germany (1 of 28 cities)
    Greenland (1 city)
    Guam (1 of 2 cities)
    Honduras (1)
    Italy (1 of 4)
    Japan (1/16)
    Korea (1/4)
    Macedonia (1)
    Marshall Islands (1)
    Netherlands (1/4)
    Norway (1)
    Portugal (1)
    Saudi Arabia (1/3)
    Turkey (1/3)
    UK (1/10)

    to possibly live there for several several several years. which would you choose? this is something i[m seriously considering...i want to gtfo the US...so i'm making this happen.
  2. japan.

    they created my fucking childhood, video games, anime, girls, girls, anime, video games, childhood, huge fucking cities, awesome movies, lots of tourist destinations

    also made pokemon

    they made pokemon.

    choice is already made

    netherlands would be chill as hell as well, i don't have to explain that one :p

    other than legal weed tho, they got liberal chill ass culture as well i heard
  3. Portugal because drugs are legal.
  4. Needs a poll

    Would you prefer political/economic turmoil, or natural disasters?
  5. It depends if you're fluent on the language of the country you're going to. It would be hard if you go to a place like Germany and don't know any German for your job, unless its just working at home in English.

    I'd pick the UK if you weren't fluent in any other language, but if you don't need to be fluent then I'd go with Germany.
  6. the fact that they made pokemon....

    might be a winner
    nah man i;m already in america.

    it would be in a very english speaking area
  7. belgium....easy...portugal second
  8. Italy for the food

  9. Belgium's pretty tight, great food :D

    That'd probably be my pick, also, pretty much everyone speaks english
  10. Germany or Japan. I have a close friend who's family lives in Germany, he loves it there.
  11. Netherlands or Germany.

    But really it's a personal choice.
  12. Anywhere in Europe
  13. the decision is torn lol i shouldve made a poll. man i fucking love them all, its just something different but i think my first choice would be somewhere mad different like macedonia, kosovo, marshall islands or somewhere. i mean how many macedonians we got here eh? lol
  14. Europe sucks almost as much as America in terms of the economy. Go to some damn islands and wait for shit to blow over. If the economy affects you, go in the wild and live off coconuts till it's over.

  15. [​IMG]

    heres one of the marshall islands....fuckin beautiful.

    the perks of the job are ok too. fuckin fully paid travel expenses for like 90 days, 40k a year, 50 hours a week, a place to live..........definitely worth it to live over there.

  16. go to my mom's country . . . . . . . indonesia

    hahahaha that'd be interesting. look it up

  17. i've already looked all this shit up lol. the geography and history of all these countries....and alot was before i even had the chance to move there haha. italy seems fuckin AMAZING though
  18. I'd personally choose the UK, not just because of the lack of language barrier (although you mentioned it's not an issue), but because a lot of my favourite culture and history was created/occurred there. Metal... prog... psych... and of course Medieval England is fascinating. Of all the countries in the world, I consider it to have some of the most beautiful nature, although that's based on pics and documentaries.

    Of the countries in your list, I've only been to Norway, and it was amazing there. UK's my theoretical choice but I can vouch for Norway's vibe, excellent climate and natural beauty. The people are great and very intelligent, as well.

    Although being able to tell people you live in Greenland would be fucking awesome.

  19. Haha did u look up indonesia?

    Its interesting cuz the netherlands colonized it. Lol lots of indonesians in the netherlands as well

    Yea italy is beautiful man. Also hella history
  20. What about costa rica it's beautiful clean safe has a good economy laxed weed laws

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