State whether you like Portable vapes better or Plug in vapes and WHY. I am def a portable guy. I feel portability gives you more of an option to vape wherever you want. I abs love my Solo and its more enjoyable knowing i can use it anywhere i want.
Definitely plug in vapes, although I do enjoy using a portable when the occasion occurs. 95% of my vaping is done at home, so if I have the option of choosing between a big hitter like the SSV vs. the Solo i'm going to pick the one that can get me where I need to be the fastest.
While Arizer is a great company that produces some awesome products they don't produce the best vaporizers, no one does. There is no single best vape. There a lot of vapes out there that are great at certain things, but I can not think of one that is the best in conservation, portability, stealth, quality of hit, size of hit, etc. Also to keep on the topic of the thread, which do you prefer?
I like do use MFLB with PA at home , then use it with battery on the go. I have a fairly low tolerance right now and I plan to keep it low.
I own an arizer extreme q and a pax.I prefer the pax just for the portability of it.I can't keep my extreme q out in the open so it doesn't get used as often.
Depends where you vape most. I usually vape on the go more, so the Solo gets more use than the DBV Vape maybe 3-5 bowls a day in the Solo, maybe 2-4 a week wiht the DBV I conserve more with the Solo, and its just simply more convenient. Think of it as a cordless phone vs a corded phone, so much easier to just walk around then be tied to one spot in the house Most of my vaping is car, garage, basement, walking around, etc, so the Solo works great I also have the power adapter for the Solo so I can plug it into the garage to save the battery for when I leave the garage I will admit I mainly bought the DBV as a long-term backup piece, because when my Solo took a shit around Thanksgiving I was stuck with only dry smoking pieces which sucked big time, so I bought a vape that I won't have to worry about breaking for 10 years. It mainly sits in a box in my storage unit until I go get it a couple times a week to use it.
That's easy. Plugin is farrrrrr superior. Obviously Id prefer it portable, but only if I don't have to sacrifice the amazing vapor I get from a quality plugin. It seems likely that'll be impossible. Now, I love owning a portable because I wouldn't want to smoke when on the go, but if I think there's going to be an outlet, my LSV is coming with me.
The Pax is a great portable and is stealthy and the DBV is a huge hitter, but neither of those is the best in every category. There just simply isn't a vape out there that is the best at everything, so there is no single best vape. There are plenty of vapes that shine at certain things though, such as the pax with portability or stealth, log vapes with conservation, 7th floor products as huge hitters, etc.