So, my girlfriend and I are considering moving out of California for the first time together. We currently live in Southern California in between Los Angeles and San Diego, but more inland...90 minutes from the beaches of Orange County. Just to tell you a little bit about ourselves, we are a same sex couple. We want to live in an environment that is very gay friendly. We also smoke marijuana, so we would like the city to be weed friendly and have Medicinal Marijuana available to us legally. We are both enrolled in college in California and we want to transfer to another community college. I am majoring in Communication Studies and my girlfriend wants to become a teacher. We also want to be located near a good University as well. Lately we have taken up the hobby of hiking, and I have gained an interest in casual biking and the idea of camping. My girlfriend is a city girl from San Francisco, and I'm a small town girl from the middle Southern California. We have 5 dogs right now. We love art, diversity, I enjoy anthropological studies and I would like to be in an areas with a lot of choices for museums. We love the idea of a big to medium sized city. Something affordable for us, around $400 to $600 a month for a condo, apartment, townhouse, or studio. We are looking for a city that is good for gay couples, dog owners, near the ocean (within a half an hour from the ocean), we prefer to stay on the West Coast and we have thought about considering Portland Oregon, Seattle Washington, Bellevue Washington, or Tacoma Washington. We are looking for somewhere that has distinct seasons, but never gets too hot. A safe city, with public transportation and a great culture! Does anyone have any advice on what city in the US would be a good fit for me?
Thanks. Yeah, we are really considering Seattle Washington area of Portland Oregon. We just need opinions from people who live there or know about the areas.
It's a bit ironic that in the beginning of September, basically next month, I'm moving up to Seattle..from CA I have family and friends in Portland and they really love it up there.
That is ironic! Do you know if it is expensive to live in Seattle? Do you know if Seattle is weed friendly or gay friendly? My girlfriend has her complete heart set out on Seattle, I'm the one trying to find other cities as well, such as Portland.
Yeah most parts of Seattle are kind of expensive but if you stay south a little bit you should be fine. Washington State is a pretty gay friendly state I've heard, and I'm even pretty sure same-sex marriage will be legal if it doesn't get appealed in November so it seems like people are accepting. Also, The Mayor of Seattle supports medical marijuana and even approves of the Seattle Hempfest
The south... I will take that into consideration, thanks! Is this going to be the first time you move out of CA?
[quote name='"EmAndA"'] The south... I will take that into consideration, thanks! Is this going to be the first time you move out of CA?[/quote] Please don't move to the south.
[quote name='"LSDForPeace"'] South part of Seattle[/quote] Oh lol. In that case, disregard my last comment
Haha yeah, exactly what LSD said, Southern Seattle Washington. Haha, I don't want to leave the West Coast
Austin, Texas Very outdoorsy, cycling is big here, one of the few liberal part of Texas, plenty of same sex couples, cheaper than california, weed not 100% legal, but the closer to downtown you live the more tolerable the cops are. Multiple occasions he (the cops) took my pipe and weed and let me go free Some bad things is that summer is unbearable, and the beach is quite a drive away Edit: Nvm, just read you wanna be an hour from the beach and on the west coast, sorry!
[quote name='"plainsight"']Austin, Texas Very outdoorsy, cycling is big here, one of the few liberal part of Texas, plenty of same sex couples, cheaper than california, weed not 100% legal, but the closer to downtown you live the more tolerable the cops are. Multiple occasions he (the cops) took my pipe and weed and let me go free Some bad things is that summer is unbearable, and the beach is quite a drive away Edit: Nvm, just read you wanna be an hour from the beach and on the west coast, sorry! [/quote] I've heard Austin is the only decent area in Texas lol. True? Never been there
Very true! it's the capital for a reason A lot of people are moving here though, so the traffics getting bad and the crime rates are going up like any city would with a population increase I hope the mayor/city officials can keep up with it
I would say Portland or even Eugene/Springfield Oregon. I lived in Eugene for a while and it's a really chill atmosphere. It's basically an oversized little town lol. Lots of smokers, there's the university and lane community college, everyone's rather friendly, really cheap and the scenery's really nice. Summers are hot, in winter it snows, during fall all the leaves are orange and during then and spring it rains. Rather distinct seasons I'd say lol If you want a bigger city, goto Portland, it's beautiful up there
[quote name='"EmAndA"']So, my girlfriend and I are considering moving out of California for the first time together. We currently live in Southern California in between Los Angeles and San Diego, but more inland...90 minutes from the beaches of Orange County. Just to tell you a little bit about ourselves, we are a same sex couple. We want to live in an environment that is very gay friendly. We also smoke marijuana, so we would like the city to be weed friendly and have Medicinal Marijuana available to us legally. We are both enrolled in college in California and we want to transfer to another community college. I am majoring in Communication Studies and my girlfriend wants to become a teacher. We also want to be located near a good University as well. Lately we have taken up the hobby of hiking, and I have gained an interest in casual biking and the idea of camping. My girlfriend is a city girl from San Francisco, and I'm a small town girl from the middle Southern California. We have 5 dogs right now. We love art, diversity, I enjoy anthropological studies and I would like to be in an areas with a lot of choices for museums. We love the idea of a big to medium sized city. Something affordable for us, around $400 to $600 a month for a condo, apartment, townhouse, or studio. We are looking for a city that is good for gay couples, dog owners, near the ocean (within a half an hour from the ocean), we prefer to stay on the West Coast and we have thought about considering Portland Oregon, Seattle Washington, Bellevue Washington, or Tacoma Washington. We are looking for somewhere that has distinct seasons, but never gets too hot. A safe city, with public transportation and a great culture! Does anyone have any advice on what city in the US would be a good fit for me?[/quote] Yes. Palm Springs, CA. Dont leave Cali, you'll end up coming back anyways...