Where's your heart at???

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by greedyorphan, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. This isn't about me or a relationship I've been involved in.Pretty much just a monologue of untouched soft spots.How do men live with the disposition of perpetuating what a good husband, father, or boyfriend is supposed to be?

    I want to know how cool it is to some guys to hit a female?How powerful does it feel to put your hands on a chick and even worse in front of your kids?I'll admit, one time I grabbed my wife by the shoulders and shook her but ( and she agrees) it wasnt so rough as to rationalize it as assault. And even then I didnt want it to be seen as assault. Just restrain.

    The point I'm trying to make is I can't fathom a need to degrade a woman by means of hitting her to let her know that you are stronger than her.In what way does it make you feel superior? Most of the time the chick is smaller than you!When you do it to make sure she does what you desire it only shows that you are limited in your abilities to make sure things are accomplished without having to resort.

    There isnt much heart in hitting the one you are supposed to hold dearest to make sure they love and need you still.A strong man can look past a temper and/or ego and see a better future.
  2. Anyone who hits girls if you ever hit my girl I will FUCKING DESTROY YOU. Quit smacking around females you fucking COWARDS.
  3. I'm with S0UR,

    if i ever see any guy who goes around smacking women like they're worthless. i will fucking end him.

    women deserve respect no matter what.
  4. i beat the fuck out of my gf... cuz im a bawse... jk
  5. Hitting my girl would be one of the few last things I would never do.

    If I saw another dude their girl it would piss me off too
  6. I will never hit my girl, on purpose of course. We mess around and wrestle and stuff, sometimes she will get hit, or she will hit me, but its all fun.

  7. Yeah me and my wife slap box but not in the face. And we wrestle. IDK. Last night I just had the urge to write that listening to someones problems and remembering other abusive relationships I've encountered. Just makes me realize how many weak people are out there in the world.
  8. Its rather disturbing going down town in the city i live it. I always see couples walking in the mall or what not, and the chick will have a black eye, or a bruised cheek. I dont understand how someone could willingly punch there partner
  9. Exactly! And I dont know if its becoming more and more popular nowadays or not but it seems like I'm hearing about it happen back home more.
  10. Its a fairly common occurence nowadays, and the woman who gets beat rarely will call the police on the person who hits them because they are scared they will get beat worse. Woman deserve respect no matter what, even if they make you a shitty sandwich lol
  11. IDK a shitty sandwich is at least worth a throat chop.
  12. Init, put to much mayo on my sandwich and you're gonna fucking pay.
  13. I totally agree with the bold, and totally disagree with the below statement.

    Nobody deserves respect no matter what.

    People can lose their right to respect for doing horrible things.

    That being said, don't hit females!
  14. #14 ismokegreen, Jun 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2011
    Let me preface this by saying that hitting a woman is one of the lowest places that a man/husband/father can stoop to. It essentially proves that he has no charachter among many other things. I have no respect for anyone who hits women.

    Now on the other side however, I can understand how someone might be driven to such a thing(I'm not advocating it in any way). There is something about women that gives them the power to cut deeper with their words and mannerisms than any man that I know. My little sister can piss me off faster and more than any guy I know, simply by saying one or two little things and a certain facial expression. Women are the masters (in general) of playing with other people's emotions. They even take it as far as to take advantage of the fact that a man has too much character to hit her.

    So yeah, while in the end there is no excuse for hitting a girl, there are still two sides to every story.
  15. This crosses the line when a girl decides to slap a guy simply because she:

    A.) lost the argument and is desperate

    B.) doesn't know what else to do

    I've seen it happen before and makes me really frustrated. If I'm civilized enough to not hit someone in a heated argument then I expect the same amount of respect back. If a girl slaps me for no good reason (if she does it simply because she feels she can get away with it) then I will grab her wrist and probably twist it until she knows to not do so ever again. Nothing really annoys me more than slap-happy hoes that think they are above common decency...
  16. Yeah I fucking hate that shit. I was raised by a single mother so I have a great deal of respect for women, and the one thing my mom always tried to instill in me was it's never ok to hit a woman. For the most part I believe that, but I definitely have been in situations or I've witness them where girls have slapped guys in an argument only because the dude won't hit them back. They would never try that shit with another girl or a dude that will hit them back.

    To me that's extremely cowardly, and I'm at the point where I don't care who you are, man or woman, put your hands on me and I will get you back twice as hard.

    But just out of anger or if the girl is just talking shit then yeah, it's totally unacceptable.
  17. There's a point when a woman does something she cessus to be a woman anymore such as spitting on someone or hitting them.
  18. #18 RedMagic, Jun 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 27, 2011
    Any man that hits any woman is a straight up bitch ass coward, they beat on girls cause they know if they try to beat their own gender we'll kill them. Pussies.
    I never have and never will hit a girl, I came close once, and I've wanted to plenty of times, but no. Just no.

    There are situations where I could see it being okay, like if some bitch just walks up to you and kicks you in the nads, stabs you, gives you 2 black eyes and a bloody nose and spits on your face, then a good ol' pimp slap would be acceptable. Haha. Actually I probably still wouldn't hit them back, I'd just restrain them so they couldn't hit me no more. I'll smack a bitch across the face with my words without the slightest hesitation if she makes me mad, though.
  19. yea my girl has hit me a few times. Once when i was driving we got into an argument and she smacked me across the face, my son was in a backseat. I got out and took a cab home. Last time she threw a remote and an xbox controller at me (sturdy fucker, hit a wall left a small dent yet still works fine. The remote was in pieces) When i got up and started to yell at her, she PUNCHED me in thie face. I grabbed her by the hair, yanked her head and said i'm fucking done.

    Unfortunately for god knows what reason i decided to give her yet another chance. As much as i love our son, she wasn't the right person to be a mother of my child. ANyway, i've never hit her. Yanking her hair was the only violent thing i've done to her (it wasn't that bad, just enough to stop her.) And trust me during that last argument i wanted to put her face through the wall. But i can control myself, she can't. Plus she knows i'd never hit her. Oh btw if you're wondering the reason she4 flipped out was because i called her a liar. Sounds like a reasonable response.

    My dad was an excellent role model to me, and my mom too, especially when it came to respecting women. You never hit a girl/woman. Unless she's coming at you with a knife or in other ways is threatening your life.

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