1. Many times I try to write posts, threads and other recipes. Many times I get done handily, but if it is a full blown recipe or other detailed instructions, I have to take several breaks because of recent back surgery. After the third break or so, usually when I have it most completed, when I go back completely as if it was either never there or removed. Do I have to save when I take a break or just write it up whole on Word, but that sounds too much like work? Can I find i?:smoke:
  2. I have learned to copy my reply if I've had to stop for a while so I can paste it if I've been logged out. Thanks for nothing everyone.
  3. If its something that is so long your taking breaks, and its of value, I would definitely use something like Word to keep track of what you have written. Just the nature of you writing onto a dynamic forum portal based on network servers across an ocean it should be an easy thing to grasp why you losing your text over long periods of inactivity.
  4. At the time I had just had serious spinal surgery and had a lot of issues sitting up long enough to express a thought before I had to take a break. I was full of painkillers and really stoned and didn't want to take the time to look through all the settings and hoped that someone might have some pointers. A lot of sites do this when you take too long but I have been on this site for days without being logged out and I was hoping someone could give me some pointers. I had just lost two long posts (for me) and I was pissed. If I had been in good shape, each would have taken just a few moments. I have been at this digital game long enough to easily grasp why I was losing the text and don't need any smartass remarks telling me what's easy. You get your back cut open and take a crapload of mind altering drugs and you wouldn't find it easy to remember your own name. Besides, while the servers may be across an ocean, there's only 24 hours in a day.

    This is a dead thread.
  5. kinda like how we needed your fucking smart ass remark. turn about is fair play IMHO.. now get the fuck over yourself.
  6. #6 Freedom, May 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2012
    I wish I knew what the giddy heck the op is going on about. :confused:

    (The thread title keeps drawing me in :( I think I'm gonna get to play some crazy game of where's waldo on GC and I'm let down every time)

  7. Yeah, yeah, compassion is dead, but you seem to be as into your own thoughts as you accuse me. Get off this crap. it's dead. PM if you got anymore to say. Nobody even paid any attention to this post until it went negative and there's a lot of that on here. 3 weeks it just sat here until I put my solution and that should have been all. That is what the "thanks for nothing" remark was for. And it still stands.
  8. I looked at this thread and was going to try to offer helpful advise when I first saw it...but...

    ...this dissuaded me...

    I've found that most people who are willing to take the time to write out a long post will do it on Notepad or something first, then copy and paste it...but if that sounds like too much work for you then I wasn't able to offer you any help...
  9. PsychedelicSam

    mentioning drugs other than weed is strictly forbidden on this site......even if you are prescribed to them. they are harmful, mind altering drugs.

    just an FYI.

    another FYI - it was a dead thread, until you brought it up.

    please keep your negativity to yourself. i know it must be hard to stay happy since you are debilitated right now, but please try your best around here :) .the only three drugs that are ok to discuss on GC is alcohol, MJ, and caffeine.

    take it easy.....


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