Where To Find Seeds? My Buds Seedless Always

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by FruitOfTheGod, Oct 8, 2013.

  1. My bud always is high grade shit. Never seen a seed in it. I have no access to schwag only high grade. Need a safe way to get them. I dont want to get busted so I trip about that. If You can help Then thatd be great! Im sure theres lots of other people out there wondering the same thing! Peace

  2. Lots of online seedbanks to choose from, or ask around your friends who toke and you might find some who've collected them.
  3. No one ever taught you about the birds and the bees?

    Females need to get pollenated dude. If you dont have a male youre gonna need to go the STS route (or another reversal method) or go out and buy some beans.

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