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Where the genuine ppl at?

Discussion in 'General' started by Shez, Aug 17, 2017.

  1. Not trying be an ass but to learn questions have to be asked..right?? Some posters on here pipe up with dickhead comments to questions that your just trying to learn all have different ways...don't treat ppl like they are dumb we all learn someway

    Sent from my Hudl HT7S3 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  2. When there is a definitive answer and it is ignored it is frustrating. Reinventing the wheel for newcomers is frustrating. Asking questions and poo pooing replies with no facts or experience is frustrating.
    Seeing the light come on for an inquisitive mind that you will never meet is all the reward we get.
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  3. Maybe it's your attitude. Seems pretty shitty
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  4. Haha, kids are so sensitive these days
    Your feelings don't get a protected species label
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  5. I understand can be frustrating but if two people give you different opinions as a new comer who do you listen to?

    Sent from my Hudl HT7S3 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. Look at their grow journals and reputation and make your choice, that's what it's there for.
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  7. Most new growers come here to be told how to grow instead of doing any research themselves and they get told off for it.

    But if you want advice look at the date of their first journal, if it's not even a year then feel free to disregard. Older is better.... usually
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  8. I haven't even been on GC a year yet :laughing:
  9. Not even a month yet i appreciate the help guys really I've never grown before and was kinda a unexpected grow didn't expect seed to pop had been almost crushed

    Sent from my Hudl HT7S3 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  10. So what was the question?
  11. Some people have completely removed lower leaves on plant..I asked if I should on my plant
    got a load of its scrawny and there's nothing to remove from was just I have very small leafage growing on stem but it's under main canopy I've monitored their growth and haven't really gotten any bigger in almost a week so was asking would it be ok to take them off without damage? Pruning to get the most out of her

    Sent from my Hudl HT7S3 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  12. Sorry can't help (I'm a dickhead)
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  13. Hey ya'll now see what we got here is a FAILURE TO COMMUNICATE! Now listen up snow flakes and limp dicks. This is the core.. what core ? I DONT KNOW DANMIT. Now listen. We all in this shit together. And I don't want to see any fuckery in THIS wheel house can ya dig ? Now listen here there Sonny. Delete this thread and start from scratch. And then smoke a joint. AND THEN...

    Have a nice day :ey:
  14. No I think he's just frustrated with miserable people who want to spread their misery in a form of shaming people for curiosity and intrinsic wonder.

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  15. Exactly that mate I came for advice and got abuse and grief and that's the whole reason for the forum to ask others..least someone understands

    Sent from my Hudl HT7S3 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  16. I was once in your shoes in a not too-far away past. It can be difficult growing and being unable to figure out whose advice is right. Or, if you ask a question that's been asked a lot, you likely won't get a good response. And I get it - you want a personal response to you personally, you get and understand that question's probably been asked a million times, but you want it answered for your specific scenario, one on one to you. I get that.

    But on the other side, having now been a member for over a year, it does get quite annoying to see the same....exact...question posted every day almost. Sometimes you just want a different question to be asked. Not that we're upset at you asking questions or anything. Just gets tiring answering the same thing 200 times is all.

    I disagree with people who are being abusive or causing grief over it, but you can see how some older members could be not so happy about it.
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  17. Is that not why you have different sections of the forum? Beginners section is obviously going to be new people being added and always have questions there...if your a seasoned grower then the only reason you would be in that forum is to advise people on their grow...I understand it can get frustrating but you choose to follow the beginners forum then unfortunately that's all your going to see...

    Sent from my Hudl HT7S3 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  18. Do you know how many hours many of us put into helping people with their grows? We don't get paid for this... You should be grateful to get any response to your threads, helpful or not. At least that's how I've always looked at it..
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