Where the fuck is Palestine?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by DuNN, Jul 27, 2011.

  1. I hear all these talks about Palestine and what not, and i've been sitting her looking at this map for a good ten minutes and still can't find it. Where the fuck is it? :mad:
  2. [​IMG]

    Well its more complicated because it is mixed up in that region with so called Israel, Gaza, and Palestine. But Palestine can include many areas in Israel also, but thats a fight over concepts.
  3. wait... palestine, texas? i thought it was in the middle east or something lmao damn

    Edit: this was to the first poster, and to the second poster where did u find that map
  4. Lmao... You must of not learned history in school.[​IMG]

    Palestine was bassicly taken away after world war 1 for Israel.. Now you have this huge bullshit conflict going on because of it.

  5. It is in the middle east. And as stated palestine was given to the jews as a "home country" after WW1. Which is why everyone wants to wipe israel of the map.

    The map was probbably found on google images.

    Edit: Palesting texas is a place, But not the place your thinking of.
  6. It was not "given to the Jews." The Jews bought it from Arabs for ridiculously inflated prices.

    Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  7. ^ propaganda.

    read wikipedia and other peer reviewed sources for reality and not a one-sided narrative
  8. Had Wikipedia been around forever, the world would still be flat, the earth would be the center of the universe, blah blah blah :rolleyes:
  9. It's 2011. Wikipedia is now sourced. That's those little numbers next to sentences. If you don't like a source, discuss that. What you're saying is simply a copout.
  10. #14 mandrin13, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2011
    You are right, if its on wiki, it must be fact. The point was obvious, you went with the old, "that isn't a viable source, but take wiki as the word of god people". My example is fine, before we discovered we revolved around the sun, there were plenty of books and sources which could have been "referenced" back then to show the earth is the center, even though its not...but that isn't even the point is it. YOUR response was the "copout", rather than say "propaganda" and then link to wiki, you should show why the site you questioned lacked any real facts. Thats no different than saying your wrong, I am right, look it up, but not in these sources, just the ones I agree with.
  11. It really does seem impossible to have a discussion about this matter without getting into an argument.
    It's no wonder there's still a conflict going on.:smoke:
  12. Nice straw man. once again, feel free to discuss with me which cited sources on wiki you don't like for the specific subject matter. Until then, you're copping out :wave:
  13. #17 mandrin13, Jul 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2011
    Really....you fail to see the point? You didn't even provide a link, you were so lazy that you simply said propaganda, read wiki. All I showed was how worthless your post was, I am not trying to attack you, but to respond like a child "your source is bad mine is good" is ridiculous, especially when your irrefutable proof is wiki. I don't have a problem with wiki necessarily, but it is nothing more than the consensus of todays people, and as my example clearly showed, that doesn't make anything factual

    Edit:artilleryshell4 is correct, a link was provided previous to where our conversation began. So I apologize for missing the link, but the main point still stands, my missing a link changes nothing. SO...

  14. Wikipedia is a peer-reviewed cited source, mandarin, you need to internalize this. It is infinitely better than an organization ("if americans knew") whose very name reveals their slant, that is spouting a narrative whose "facts" fly in the face of historical reality. It is you that doesn't understand the importance of citations and peer-review.
  15. If americans knew: I dont know the site, which is why my point is show people why it isnt a viable source, but I can interpret their name several ways. "If Americans Knew", sounds like an organization that wants to inform americans, or "If Americans Knew" also could sound like one that wants to misinform americans, the name alone is meaningless. If it was titled If the world knew, but still spread misinformation, it would be equally as wrong.

    I will never buy into your its on wiki and peer reviewed so accept it. 100 years from now our ideology, perspective, and the information we thought we had could all end up different. Again, just because you all say the earth is the center of the universe, doesn't mean I am going to buy it, even if you put a little ref afterwards. Obviously I picked an example where hindsight shows us how stupid that was....but you could take many things going on today, that are on wiki, that doesn't make them right or true, that just means most people accept it, with the information they currently have.

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