So I had a post similar to this yesterday but it is a bit different I bought a 4' inline duct fan abd a carbon filter (please look at pics). My question is, I'm growing in a 2ft by 2ft by 5.5 FT (tall) box and I'm hanging my HPS light and I keep cranking it up as my plants get higher so I can't really hang my carbon filter inside the box I also don't want to lay it on the floor, any ideas? I can't hang anything from the ceiling aswell.. Maybe a support beam system or something? Any ideas would be great
Hey, I have a few suggestions and thoughts. First off, That's a big ass carbon filter for a space of that size. If you can take it back and get a smaller one that might be the way to go. How much air does the 4" duct fan move (CFM)? Where does the fan exhaust to? outside? The top of the room is preferable for exhaust. Also, make sure that you have a fan that pushes more air for intake. That way you will always have a lot of air creating a positive pressure system. Alternatively, you could build a box somewhere out side of the closet on the ceiling like the diagram i've made below. ON THE LEFT IS THE OUT SIDE OF THE GROW ROOM WALL, THE PLANTS ARE OUT OF VIEW. LINE OF DASHES ON TOP IS THE CEILING. The "X" is the center of one end of carbon filter. you can use ducting to move the air out to where ever you want . ---------------------------------------------------------- ] | ] / \ | ] | ] | ] x | ] | ] \ / | ] ________________| ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]
sorry, the diagram didn't work. Just picture a 90 degree angle where the wall meets the ceiling then another 90 that is opposite creating a box.
Would this work? Having my exhaust at the bottom then just putting a book or two under? PS- I can't understand your idea, the pic did not work
The computer fans might not move enough air. And if you have comp. fans for exhaust, what is the carbon filter for?? I'll draw you up what I had in mind.
Here you go. You could even put all six of those comp fans at the bottom for intake. But unless you're only exhausting through the carbon filter it is pointless to have one.
you dont want your exhaust at the bottom...heat rises, so best to take it from the top of box. Numb edit:Looks like Lazer got up a sketch before I hit enter key...