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Where should i hide my 2nd stash

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Buck Strickland, Nov 27, 2011.

  1. I want to have a "stash" with only a little bud and some pappers just incase I ever have to give it up and I don't want to give someone my real stash with like an 1/8, a vape, a grinder, and a bowl... Were should I put this?
  2. Hold on I'm confused, who would you be giving your stash to in the first place?
  3. He's talking about his parents, if they want him to "give up all of his weed" He'll give them the shitty 2nd stash instead of the real one.
  4. [quote name='"Ranger Smith"']He's talking about his parents, if they want him to "give up all of his weed" He'll give them the shitty 2nd stash instead of the real one.[/quote]

    Nailed it but replace parents with sister that doesent agree with weed
  5. Uhh Hide It Where They Least Expect It: Right Under Their Noses. (P.S. That Means Like, In Their Closet Where They Never Go To :p)
  6. My advice:

    Keep your major stash completely hidden, like hide it so well that NO ONE except you would be able to find it.

    Is she familiar with weed? Could you just keep a bag of fake weed (Some type of spices) like under your mattress or in an easy to find place? Or does she know what weed looks like?

    If she knows what it looks like, just hide a gram of mids and some papers under your bed, in a pillowcase, or something like that. If she never finds it, one day when you're dry you can roll a few j's :smoke:
  7. [quote name='"Ranger Smith"']He's talking about his parents, if they want him to "give up all of his weed" He'll give them the shitty 2nd stash instead of the real one.[/quote]

    Alright figured just wasn't too sure.

    Ot: in the garage if you have one, those are usually pretty inactive. Or if you're super hardcore maybe have like a hole in the wall behind a dresser
  8. [quote name='"Ranger Smith"']
    My advice:

    Keep your major stash completely hidden, like hide it so well that NO ONE except you would be able to find it.

    [/quote] check! I have it in a chair, it's literally within a chair

    [quote name='"Ranger Smith"']

    Is she familiar with weed? Could you just keep a bag of fake weed (Some type of spices) like under your mattress or in an easy to find place? Or does she know what weed looks like?


    She knows what it looks like, but she can't tell dank from mid so what you said earlier would be my best bed, I think I'll put it in the thing that lifts up to put the game in on my original nintendo, or the compartment under my gamecube

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