This is where I went to entertain myself in the last week or so. First up, the botanical gardens. The second pic has a nesting Bald Eagle in one of the pine trees. The rest are just random pics I took.
I just got back from Atlantic City this morning. Just a couple of pictures of a fire on the boardwalk. Kind of a before and after, although in the second picture they're all shut up. You'll just have to imagine the fire damage from the smoke and heat damage around the shutters. I only usually take pictures of what interests me. (Edit): These are also shrunk way down. They're originally 2592x1944. This is the story about the fire:
Here's a cropped version of the first fire pic, so you can see a little better what the fire was like. It was a three engine blaze.
All I thought about in those pics was skateboarding? Maybe it's the boardwalk, idk. It's amazing what you can think of when you're high.
When we were at the Trump Taj Mahal there were these kids with those shoes with a wheel in the heel and they were skating around. Looked like fun.
hell yea dude i was in AC this weekend too, on saturday, it was my sisters $21st she won $400 at a slot machine and i won $500 on craps right before we were gonna leave