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Where in the world

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by westone, Nov 28, 2011.

  1. So I didn't see any like this, if you could blaze anywhere on this planet (or others, why not) where would it be? I would roll a joint and sit in the green rolling hills of Ireland
  2. I would want to get blazed inside a big glass ball in space. Or big glass hallway in space.I think this wrong section so u probly gonna get moved
  3. I would shrink down to the size of an ipod and spend forever smoking an ounce of weed, living there inside the bag of weed endless supply of thc. :smoke:
  4. id smoke in egypt on top of the great pyramids of giza....jus like the movie "Bucket List" watching the sun go down man wish for that.
  5. I would like to hotbox a glass ball in the ocean.

    Wait, that'd be scary as fuck, maybe a giant glass ball in a giant aquarium, with no octopi, they scare the fuck out of me, so do squids. I don't know how the Japanese do it
  6. [quote name='"Dissec"']I would like to hotbox a glass ball in the ocean.

    Wait, that'd be scary as fuck, maybe a giant glass ball in a giant aquarium, with no octopi, they scare the fuck out of me, so do squids. I don't know how the Japanese do it[/quote]

    the japs eh? they kill em everychance they get...but u should c what they do to innocent dolphins brother.
  7. That must be after they fuck them
  8. efuck you edolphin!
  9. Realistically Some remote place in the Antarctica with some close friends

    Unrealistically (at least for now): The moon it'd be awfully hard tho on account of no oxygen so idk how we'd solve this problem with the whole lightning the bowl/blunt/doobie up and that whole stupid gravity thing...

  10. Blaze it up in the suit, at least till your nice and toasty, then again this could be on a plain of some alternet universe if you want :D

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