Where does the 50% of nukes go?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by KillahRick, Apr 16, 2010.

  1. So i'm sure you guys heard whats going on with the nukes being reduced and everything. My question is do you really think they would just get rid of 50% of our nukes? Maybe they are just saying that you know then we are like SURPRISE BITCH we got more nukes! No just playin haha. But honestly what do you guys think/know ? Maybe Obama is really just selling them to North Korea :smoking: maybe they just recycle them...
  2. Maybe we'll just secretly put them into Lunchables and then sell them to the 3rd world to "solve hunger" but then we'll actually solve the overpopulation problem.
    jk, jk
    I dk, maybe we'll just launch them at the sun. Or mercury or something. or just decomission them.
  3. Maybey they dissasembled them.
  4. The nuclear warheads are simply dismantled, under international supervision to make sure no party cheats and try to hide away some of their stockpile or raw material gained from dismantling.

    By the nature of these things, they contain quite a bit of exotic, and expensive to produce, materials. Materials very much in demand for civilian applications. So you'd see uranium and plutonium being recycled to fuel for nuclear reactors of all kinds. Other material, such as tritium and lithium find their way to chemical industries to be used in a number of applications.

    Some ofcourse, need to be stored as hazmat waste, but surprisingly little.
  5. we are only getting 1/3 of our nukes, we will still have 1,500. Enough to destroy the entire planted hundreds of times over. we just got rid of the overkill

    to answer your question, they will be dismantled and used to produce nuclear energy in power plants
  6. It's not even going to be 30%.

  7. the gov really does love loop holes. most of the milssiles we are going to get rid of are close range nukes with a pretty small range, really only affective against russia. We are still gonna have boat loads of long range ones, and i never heard anything about getting rid of the really powerful war heads. Knowing the US and Russia, we are going to only get rid of our pussy nukes (if there even is such a thing) and keep the big boys just in case we need to alter the maps
  8. Thank you I like this answer pretty straight forward :) I knew the fuckers were prolly just going to get rid of their weak shit. Not even 30%? Those sneaky bastards!
  9. im not really afraid of any countries using nukes, i am afraid af the rouge nukes that slipped out of the USSR after it's collapse. I think its around 300 that are missing, and if some terrorist (an ACTUAL terrorist, none of this fox news shit) gets their hands one one, BA BOOM to some poor ass motherfuckers
  10. As people have said, don't really mean shit. All the nuclear nations still have enough weapons to make Earth devoid of life. As for the rogue staes/nukes/terrorists... I'm guessing it's pretty hard to set of an operational nuke. Tbh a dirty bomb is far more likely.
  11. #13 TearDownGod, Apr 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2010
    Why do we need so goddamn many? Are we keeping them just in case the rest of Earth attacks the US, so we can wipe them all off the face of the goddamn planet?

    What the fuck is the point? 100 would easily assuage as many would-be attackers as well as 1,500.

    [Or whatever the fuck outrageously high number it is]
  12. #14 Zylark, Apr 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2010
    There is a certain safety in numbers. First, if a nuclear strike would happen against another nuclear power, you can be sure first on the target list is installations capable of retaliation. And secondly, emerging anti-ballistic-missile technology means one need to saturate defenses to ensure all intended targets are hit.

    But as it is, this really only applies to Russia and the US. Other nuclear powers have a comparably modest nuclear capability, based more on regional strategic needs rather than global.

    A scenario where the Russians and the US lob nukes at eachother, is pretty unlikely in this day and age. Things may change naturally, but I am more worried about regional nuclear powers, India and Pakistan in particular. And if Iran get their mitts on nukes, anything can happen.

    So whilst a certain reduction in the stockpile of the two major nuclear powers is a small step in the right direction, a more important one would be to stay more firm in upholding the non-proliferation treaty, keep more stringent control over nuclear raw-materials and technology.

    There are a few states now, with or near to nuclear capability, that are dangerously close to regime-collapse. Pakistan, N-Korea and Iran. All three countries run by ideological zealots out of touch with reality and with little regard to the suffering of their population. If they are pushed into a corner, from internal or external pressure, they may just lash out in a final bid. To go out with a boom so to speak, rather than a whimper.

    That is the real nuclear threat in todays world. And there is really no defense apart from contingency plans to dismantle their nuclear infrastructure and capability should the situation come close to the point where these regimes might do something stupid.
  13. i smell possible false flag. a country shipping a nuclear weapon to get "dismantled" is "hijacked" by "terrorists". that might spark another world war. just what the us wants.
  14. what the FUCK are you talking about? :confused::confused::confused::confused:

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