Where do I start...haha

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by LocDeMty, Sep 22, 2012.

  1. Hey what's going on gc. I was having trouble finding the new thread thing hhaha.
    We'll I got some weed yesterday after being sober for about 4-5 months!! I smoked the past 2 days. Today I was going to go to church because my cousins and aunt were asking me so I just said yeah because I haven't been going lately. They are huge christians and I'm living with them. Was 2 weeks ago when I stopped going with them.
    So we were leaving at 7 and I got all the shit ready at 6:25. The apple, lighter and weed. I was nervous after the first hit. So many thought came to my head. Can they smell it? Will they come upstairs and find out?? I just finished it off quickly at 6:40 was fucking fast if you ask me.
    So i get to church all chill waiting like a g. Everyone is talking setting up because we were early I guess or some shit was fucking up because it was a teenager thing so they fixed up the place. I was just in my own little world. I felt like if I concentrated on whoever was talking I could hear them and when they were pretty quiet I thought as if they were talking about me looking hight or just being high. I think it was just because they weren't loud so I would make up shit lol. Was making me nervous. So after a while they start with this game and holy shit my cousin was at the mic and she tells like 5 of us to get up and stand in front to start the game. I heard my name second but my dumbass stoner brain was like " Did she really just call my name? Should I go up or wait if they call me again?" After everyone got up( we were like 6) I got called up again that me too. We had to pick someone we didn't know to come up with us and play this game. I was so high and nervous was sweating bullets thinking I was doing the wrong shit haha. Until this lady I sat beside pointed at this dude for me to pick. The game was to pick candy and as much as we picked we had to share things about us into a mic for everyone to hear. I was second to last and was super nervous I swear my heart almost popped from my nipple. I picked 3 somehow got sober for 30 seconds. I had 3 candys so I made it easy saying my name, age and saying how I like the city and might got some people thinking because the name of the city is the same as a huge soccer team from here called monterrey.
    We then had another game of boys vs girls. They would ask a question and there was cards with the answer on them in the table. It was all based on the bible so I didn't know anything! I got the answer given to me so I ran because we had to put it in a board that had tape. I put it up and my dumbass knowing I had to just leave it there because It wasn't going to be used again I snatched it back off with the tape also hanging and went back with my team thinking of what just happened felling really dumb.
    We get called up again. It was to knell down or just pray. I was thinking random ass shit. Like paying attention to myself on how I'm chewing my gum or opening my mouth a lil just so if anyone is watching think I'm talking to god. I open my eyes a little to see if people are sitting down so I don't go alone and look any dumber. This lady came up and says some nice things but dam her breath stank. She was talking to me and I was just staring out to who knows what I was not paying attention. She then stares at me and I was like "did she just ask me a question?" I tell he I didn't hear because they were playing music and were loud. She asks if I wanted to give in to god. I swear that killed my high. Not knowing what to say I just said I don't know and after few seconds I say the same and walk away after she moves on to ask someone else. I just wanted to leave from the front and sit. Good thing after I sat everyone else followed so I didn't look as dumb there. Was a crazy day. I like what they say and all. But I don't want to convert. I respect you as one although I was just arguing with what they said in my head the entire time :) It was crazy and at the end I had the best Mexican burger ever, it was huge!! What a crazy, scary day. Haven't felt this alive in a while :)
    There were some other things just don't feel like typing anymore. I was fucking up.( I'm on phone)
    Hope nobody gets insulted by me going high to church. If you do hit a j and chill the fuck out...
  2. seems like smoking before church would be a waste of weed..
  3. I'm insulted
    Fight me right now
  4. God damn man paragraphs dude.... paragraphs
  5. Hey I am also from Monterrey :D, let me know if you want to meet some day, send me a PM or something.
  6. Whats a Mexican Burger?

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