Where did it all come from ?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by HighFoSho, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. #1 HighFoSho, Nov 9, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2013
    It seems like a lot of people get really hung up on this question.
    I really liked how Penn Gillette answered this question. I think it was in part 1... so here's a link.
    But if not, it was in part 2, which was good too.
    In any case, like Penn Told Piers Morgan..... "I don't know where it all came from > and neither do you".
    Bam ! Pretty freaking simple.
    Personally speaking, if and until, science discovers some new info on the matter, I'm totally okay with this answer > The building blocks of the Universe have always existed, and they always will.
    One thing we do know, is that you can't make "something, out of nothing". So again, since we obviously have a lot of "something" floating around in our universe, I'm most comfortable with it having always been there.... Meaning, it didn't ever have to be created, in the first place.
    Your thoughts ?

  2. A Designer... the phenomenal matrix is real.
  3. If everything is created by a designer, this designer is incompetent at best.  
  4. You are the universe, the universe is you. 
  5. The real answer is no one knows.  A further explanation is that some of us are scared babies about not knowing and some of us aren't.  Y'all can figure out who's who.
  6. There are no rules other than those evolved by the necessity of energy manifesting the experiences intended by Consciousness, or.. by the self-imposed limitations of our own individualized perceptions..
    What do you mean "intended by Consciousness"?
  8. Nobody knows, next question.
  9. #9 Boats And Hoes, Nov 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2013
    "Men became scientific because they expected there to be laws in nature; and they believed there to be laws of nature because they believed in a Creator."
    This, in effect, is the faith of all physicists; the deeper they seek, the more wonder is excited, the more is the dazzlement for our gaze.
    "Thou seest not, in the creation of the All-merciful any imperfection, Return thy gaze, seest thou any fissure? Then Return thy gaze, again and again. Thy gaze, Comes back to thee dazzled, aweary."
    Way to avoid my point completely. :hello:
  11. #12 Boats And Hoes, Nov 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2013
    I didn't avoid anything, for you really don't have a point; just blurting out babble.
    So, what about the design of the universe alludes to incompetence?
    Oh I made a very valid point, it just happens to be one you can't accept or turn around and troll this thread with.
  13. #14 Boats And Hoes, Nov 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2013
    When God breathes out, so creation does issue forth and expand...
    If the gif doesn't work... drag the gif title icon into a new tab.
  14. Why do you think that? How could a creator be incompetent if creation exists?
    Us having the ability to perceive stimulus and apply reason to our observations attempt to grasp the complexity of the universe, falling short of complete comprehension, yet always striving to find meaning and understanding.
    Too me, what you said is the pinnacle of ignorance. Do you call nature incompetent because animals must die? They must live also. There are systems and systems within systems all lending themselves to the creation of the One thing.
    How can you apply your own fallible and mortal conception of competence on the very thing that allows you to exist?
    The design is perfect because it exists, it can never be anything less than perfect.
    Boats, I'm sorry bro, but I have a real hard time understanding talk like that of your quote.
    It sounds exactly like (as screwed up) as the bible..... or wait, did that come from the Bible ? I've asked in the past, why they didn't make a bible written in modern English, only to find out that they did, but it was subject to even greater interpretations than the Bible was, in the first place !
    But what dif what bible your reading ? Why does it have to be the Christian bible ? Why not the Koran ? Why not Buddhism ? Allah ? People believe in the Gods they do, nearly entirely, because of when and where they were born. What about all these non-Christian people ? Oh, I'm sorry... you picked the wrong God. Go directly to hell to burn forever. What the fuck ever. What kind of God would allow something like that to happen ?
    Anyway, remember what you were doing 100 years ago ? Yea', neither do I, and we won't be thinking about it 100 years from now, either :) LOL
    Have a great day :)
  16. We are perfectly capable of rebuilding and maintaining operation of the matrix at an above satisfactory level, despite what you may or may not believe, Mr. Anderson.
  17. #18 Boats And Hoes, Nov 10, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2013
    ... stop, I concede. You have totally shattered my beleifs with your cogent and sagacious edifice of knowledge, i.e., with your post here. :smoke:
    What's funny about these kinds of arguments, is that nobody will ever concede... publicly, at least.
    But hopefully a few who might be on the edge, will see how I'm talking about logic, and just basic common sense, and decide to get away from the whole religious head trip.
  19. Sometimes what you think is the Edge, is no where near it. Don't think you have everything figured out my friend, I've been at your point before. When you truly have things figured out, you will know.
    I'm going to give you something to contemplate. You should think deeply on the subject.
    What is Language? From where does language come from? What would occur without the existence of language? How is language necessary?
    What is music? From what is music created? How does music relate to language? What is Art? What is Colour? What is colour in relation to the senses? What is Colour in regards to objective scientific observation?
    Why are there things? Why is there plurality? Is there singularity? What is singularity? What is consciousness? What is mind?
    I used to be a blind theist. Then I questioned the world. Ultimately I became an Atheist. Eventually I understood the concept of God and laughed at my ignorance. Yet I thanked the universe for the journey. Become nothing, remove subjectivity.
    What is God?

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