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Where can i find these strains of weed?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by HIGHEREDnFIRED, May 5, 2011.

  1. *these are ones i heard of. Which are worth buying? and where can i get them

    white widow
    northern lights
    bobby brown
    jamaican red hair
    sour diesel
    blue diesel
    silver haze
    strawberry kush
    o.g. kush
    Tangerine dream
  2. In order of easiness:

    1. If you're in a medical state, get a card and go to a dispensary.
    2. Grow your own
    3. Find a reputable dealer/grower

    Those are all good except Bobby Brown (not a strain, just means shitty brown weed), and Jamaican Red Hair which sounds made up.
  3. all worth buying (cept bobby brown, thats a description of brown poop weed as far as im aware), if you dont have access to a grower/dispensary you cant really assure anywhere to get them however
  4. All these kids are so tied up on the name of their weed it's ridiculous. Unless you're a med patient don't worry about it.

  5. Oh i didnt know you were the one who decided everyone has to just be happy with not knowing what they smoke, sorry god
  6. amsterdam or medical club.

    my favourite is super silver haze, i think its a mix of silver haze and northern lights?
  7. It's not too healthy to worship a screen name. Goodbye:smoke:

  8. lol this may be mad confusing, but its haze bred with haze, bred with skunk number 1, then you take that, and breed it with; haze bred with haze, bred with northern lights #5

    ((haze x haze) x skunk #1) x ((haze x haze) x NL #5) hahahahahah, its like a math problem for stoners or some shit
  9. why is breeding haze with haze necessary before crossing it?
  10. Homeslice you gotta find legit dealers that pick up from growers, or go straight to the growers themself, I do that myself when I have enough for a quarter of some alaskan thunderfuck/grape skunk/white widow, I wouldn't belive anything someone says about dank unless you have seem um pick it off the buds

    Usually when a dealer throws out a name it doesn't mean anything just observe the herb and decide whether its "dank" or not..

  11. Thats a good question man.... Probably to keep most of the traits of haze within the genetics while also getting that skunk #1 funkalicious smell in there, and part of the traits of the high from NL#5.... but im not really sure.... There are weird ways of breeding... like... if you bred sour d , with trainwreck, then bred its offspring, with.... haze... would it be the high of all 3, would it smell like 2, and get you high like the other, would it get you high like 2 of them, and smell like 1 of them? Would it grow like all 3, or take the appearance of 1, the smell of another, and the high from the third? I really have NO idea why some genetics have same strain x same strain in them a few times.... but my guess is to keep that strain more predominate that the rest
  12. it must be to promote phenotypes that you want to stay in the final product. like if you had 2 alleles in haze, one for a strong smell and one for a lighter smell. then by breeding it the dominant allele would be present twice, and thus would not be eliminated in crossing with another strain.

    that's just a guess though. :smoke:

  13. I think you may be correct here lol
  14. Well i would highly recommend Bobby brown. It is a very potent strain. You can probably get it if you just ask around.

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