Where are all the worthwhile girls?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by NuclearGuru, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. #1 NuclearGuru, Sep 7, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2010
    I've never had any problems with getting girls. I'm quite attractive from what I've been told and always seem to have at least one girl trying to get with me but I just can't stand any of them. They are all so superficial. They are infatuated with MTV and other people's opinions. They lack any sort of individuality. They all listen to the same bland, generic music. They all watch the same shitty Hollywood chick flicks. The severely lack any kind of intelligence. They value only physical aspects of any person. The value money and what money can buy only.

    Why is it so hard for a guy like me to find a different girl? I want a girl that I can sit and watch some artsy, avant-garde foreign film with. I want a girl that I can sit outside at night watching the stars and talking about philosophical things. I want a girl that can enjoy obscure music with me. I want a girl that loves me for who I am and not what I look like or how much money I have. Where are these girls at? Have they all truly been lost to MTV and that generation? Where are the individuals? I want a girl that doesn't care for modern consumerist American culture. I want a girl that knows the lyrics to Current 93 and not Lady Gaga. Is this too much to ask for in this day and age?
  2. They're there, but it's just like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
  3. Sounds like you need to hang out with different people. :confused_2:
  4. Dude, tell me about it. I can't stand half the people I hang out with but I'm pretty much stuck with them since I don't know anyone else around here.
  5. Well, depends on where you are from and who you know really. I lived in a small town and recently moved to one of the bigger cities in my state and it was crazy how I went from being a big fish in a small pond to being a tiny insignificant plankton.

    There are kids in my hometown I got along with, we all listened to obscure music, the same type of film and literature buffs. Same humor. We were always talking about the insignificance of money in our lives over all because we were all art majors. There are people like that in a small place, but...It's who you know if you will get around to actually knowing someone.

    Moving to Morgantown...I feel just like another girl. Back home, I was really cute and interesting...the girl who could always tell a story and had a very eclectic music taste, a decent conversationalist...Now, there's a ton of them around me. Interesting worthwhile girls with some depth. GORGEOUS girls too...sooo pretty! They're mixed in with a lot of hoes and baby hookers who are easily identified and easily avoided.

    There are definitely places with more opportunity but honestly, it's all about what happens naturally anyway and I made some big connections with some pretty special people in a relatively small place. It's just differences in experience I suppose

  6. Haha, I know how you feel. Theres a lot of douche bags in the world.

  7. Ahh this sums up my huge rambling section :wave:

    I'm sooo high :smoke:

  8. Honestly, they usually move to the city. Not always the case, but lets face it, population density and beautiful women, damn dude, go to Chicago
  9. be careful what exactly you wish for.

    rant about psychotic ex:
    I thought I found a girl like this, she was/is extremely intelligent and interesting to talk to. she despised lady gaga, and the shitty genaric pop music as much as I do. she had the same attitude towards psychedelics that I do. on the surface, we were perfect for eachother.
    as our relationship progressed, and we got to know eachother more, critical differences emerged, on more than a weekly basis, we would have horrible fights. many of our core values didn't match up, our attitudes towards suexuality, a lot of our political and spiritual beliefs, just weren't compatable.
    now looking back, these issues were painfully obvious, but she was also extermely manipulative and controlling, she was absolutely obsessed with me, and she could put together logically flawless arguements. she won every fight that wasn't about our relationship. regardless, she was in complete control in the relationship, and she pretty much turned me into her puppet, in 3 months. she was so good at the manipulation and control, that I don't even think she knew she was doing it.
    She was also bipolar, so basically I let a crazy person completely take control of my life.
    she pretty much had me convinced that I couldn't live without her.
    at that stage (only 3 months in) she did me a MASSIVE favor; she left me for another man.
    immediately after that was the worst few days of my life. than when I had time to reflect on what happened, and a talk with a friend who dated her in the past, I truely realized how horrible that relationship really was.
    She left me 2 weeks ago, and because of this time I had to get back to my own reality, I realized that she really wasn't what I wanted, ever.
    now, I'm pretty much back to where I was before I met her. /end rant
    I guess everyone needs to experience something like this first hand, because I really did learn a lot about who I was.

    now my example is far from ideal but on the surface, everything looked perfect.

    /the point
    I completely understand where you're coming from, it seems like every girl is trying to fit this fucked up stupid, anorexic whore model that pop culture throws out. I've met some girls that are "just trying to fit in" who really aren't that kind of person at all, but to really see that, you basically need to put yourself well in the friend zone, so there is no hope of ever dating someone who is pretending to fit into pop cultures' mold, but honestly, no matter how interesting or smart they are, I don't want to date a sheep.

    I honestly wish I knew where I could go to meet awesome intelligent not insane women who are willing to show who they are. what guys like us need to do is to try to find a woman through the things that interest us. If you go to the club, you're going to find extremely genaric superficial club sluts, If you go to an art show, you're going to find slightly more intelligent artist types, If you go to a car show, you're going to meet women with somewhat masculine personalities, ect
    just do the things you like, be social, and eventually you will find someone who fits with you. I'm falling back on this method now that I'm single again.

  10. Word, word, word, word, word, and....WORD.
  11. You need to find yourself a nice intellectual hippie chick my friend.

    My girlfriend before last was a really intelligent, intellectual, sophisticated, kind and generous stoner hippie chick who had awesome musical taste and I'm pretty sure she might have been my one love.
  12. Look harder, you'll know when you find one.
    Hoes are like munchies to snack on when you get hungry, Women are like 3 course meals.
  13. I was in the same position as you untill i moved to Philly for college.. Now the numbers keep adding up :cool: life is good man, its gooood..
  14. haha couldnt have said it better. :smoke:
  15. I doubt any more of the female population of the generation you're referring to has been "lost to MTV" than the male percentage. If you don't like who you hang out with, and you feel you're stuck with them, then it's your own damn fault you don't connect with any of the girls in the group. Stop blaming circumstance and women for your problems and change your situation.

    The girl you're describing is sitting in a local fair-trade coffee shop right now, with a notebook, a novel and tea, wearing something slightly unflattering to her figure. Go there now; you'll see five of them.

    No, it's not. There are hordes of these girls. You just need to look in the right places. University is a good place to start.
  16. I have them all in the back, if you want to browse it's fiddy bills, if you want one we can discuss that lata
  17. I would suggest sitting down and make a list of your most dear and important things you are passionate about. Pick the top 3 and then go do something related. Star-gazing: go to a stargazing gathering, they happen all the time, music: maybe a concert or musical festival that features your favorite music or band, down to earth financially: discount store or yard sales, philosophical: some type of think tank gathering, etc and then just be yourself. Enjoy yourself and your passions and you will meet a woman who appreciates it. My passion was my son and kids in general, and I met my wife as a direct result of her watching me with kids. I wish you luck and happiness.;)
  18. Dude I live in the backwoods of Kentucky. That kind of stuff is damn hard to find around here. The only social gatherings that happen around here are truck pulls, wrestling, field parties, and rodeos. Literally every single person here is an ignorant hick. I moved here to get out of the city. I live in the woods now. People like me are hard as hell to find around here. Half the women here are toothless meth heads with like 10 kids. A lot of the people here can't even read and that's no shit.

    Kentucky really is as backwards as people make it out to be. When you can go outside and see your shirtless, shoeless, farmer's tanned neighbor riding down the road on a goat with a case of beer tied on to the goat and a beer in his hand then you know you're fucked when it comes to finding even semi-intelligent people. I saw that last week. The guy looks like a crack head version of Grizzly Adams, I shit you not.
  19. Kentucky definitely isn't a state I've considered moving to and now I know why! He could've gotten arrested for drunk riding here. I've seen it done once.

    Ok, let's see. Star gazing is still a possibility,yard sales or discount store, and just be yourself. You might consider moving to an area that is more.....socially comfortable for you. I'm in central Cali and you can find every type from a-z within 1 hour of home.
  20. Yeah I know what you mean. I mainly moved here to get away from all the noise and hassle of the city. It's just as noisy and hassling here though. I can't go outside without hearing some machine being operated by my fool of a neighbor. He's going to end up killing himself some day. Alcohol and big machines aren't a good mix I don't think. Then he always comes over here asking if he can borrow things. From gas to my car, the guy just doesn't understand basic sensibility.

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