Where are all the websites dedicated to other drug legalization?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by GoldenGoblin, Nov 23, 2008.

  1. My wife and I were watching a movie last night and I had a funny thought that made me laugh at 71 years of prohibition.

    Where are all the websites dedicated to drugs like heroin, cocaine, meth, etc?
    We have tons of sites for marijuana. To me thats just more vinidication. Of course you aren't going to have sites that glorify those other drugs since they are 'truly' harmful and kill people.

  2. LEAP ..awesome group of people!! http://www.leap.cc/cms/index.php

    Also, recently the drug czar supported decriminalizing ALL drugs in Mexico. Maybe the ONDCP
    will become the newest group to support legalization of all drugs in the US?!! haha..
  3. people support the legalization of mj cuz it is almost completely harmless, so logically there are more sites dedicated to legalization. Im not surprised why there arent more sites dedicated to the legalization of meth because it is such a harmful drug.
  4. Good luck finding that, most people aroud here will crucify you for thinking about heroin lol
  5. Maybe i wasn't so clear in my wording.
    You don't have Methcity, or Cokehabit.com,etc with people actively talking about the benefits, use, manufacture, etc.

    I realize that groups out there are pro all drug legalization such as LEAP, etc

    But you just dont see the others because like Pilsbury dBoy said the other drugs are indeed harmful, could cause death, etc.
    Cannabis as we know is a damn beneficial plant with thousands of years of productive history.

    Maybe that clears it up.. I guess I was being ironic and sarcastic and it just didn't come across like I intended. :rolleyes:
  6. How about people dedicated to things like LSD and other psychedelics?
  7. #8 full melt, Nov 23, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2008
    It should be legal to use all drugs as it is our choice and we are not hurting anyone but ourselves.

    That being said if all drugs where to be legalized certain regulations would have to be set in place to make sure that people did not just do drugs and go around causing trouble. I am not saying there should be armed guards outside your house at all times or anything. Basically people should not be punished for responsible drug use at any time.

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