Whenever I let a female know that I am interested....

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by GolgiApparatus, May 13, 2011.

  1. fixed
  2. Most girls have been creeped on by guys. Almost all hot girls have a stalker story. When you come on too strong its a real turn off for them.

    "We retreat from that which pursues us" -Heidegger.
  3. idk man i always let the girl come to me.
    Even the first time we meet, the initial spark, is initiated by the woman in many of the relationships i've had.

    This is the only way to actually know she's interested. Then, once i've penetrated her outer defenses, i become a Russian spy of sorts. I infiltrate and extract any knowledge that i think would be useful in escalating the relationship as fast as possible.
    It's best not to waste time but if she wants to play the waiting game then i can play twice as hard. I've only had to do this a couple of times, however.

    So basically,
    1. Come off as confident, look sharp, sound classy.
    2. Talk to her very smoothly and almost with an emotionless tone.
    3. Learn about her subtly.
    4. Use this knowledge to get into her pants.

    I don't think i look super good (maybe a 6.5/10) so i use mah brain.

  4. That's so not true. but I remember when I was younger and not in a relationship how anxious you can get if you just like a guy to hang out with and suddenly you are confronted with that he wants more from you and you know that if you turn him down that is probably the end of knowing him, it's a shit situation because you don't want them to feel bad or stupid but you don't want to string them along and get blamed for that later, so you just don't know what to answer and leave it and just hope it'll be like before...

    But the 'women want bastards' cliché is definitely NOT TRUE
  5. What cottonmouth says is true. And even without actual stalking, the hangdog modus can be very ennervating too.
  6. #26 Carl Weathers, May 14, 2011
    Last edited: May 14, 2011
    Girls = women.

    Why is there an idea that all of a sudden the female matures into some clear headed, rational thinking easy target for hopeless guys to get in bed with? If anything they become progressively more batshit, require even more patience and mind reading, and lose the vulnerability. You won't find a girl/woman out there looking for a Simple Sam boyfriend who presents only the most predictable interaction. Girls don't suddenly lose a desire for interest, or their irrational thought patterns when they become a "woman". Their bizarre logic only grows more cryptic, and their tastes for excitement only grow deeper.

    You don't have to be an asshole or play games, you just have to be smart.

  7. Please do enlighten me more on this. :)
  8. #28 Carl Weathers, May 14, 2011
    Last edited: May 14, 2011

    A good start would be that if you are interested in persuing something with a female, don't keep texting her trying to set up a date after you've already let the cat out of the bag, and then attempt to get a response out of her by texting again to ask "wat r u up 2?" - unless you're smooth operating a juggalo.

    I'm not saying there is a set formula for succeeding in establishing a relationship, but there is for screwing one up.

    Think about all the guys you've been wishing would show you a bit more attention, and then compare them to the guys who show you too much attention. It's undeniable that this is a mistake too many make, as counter intuitive as it might seem at a first glance.

  9. Damn, you have totally depressed me:( haha Im already terrified of asking girls out and I have a pretty well developed sensitive side hidden shallowly beneath my exterior and what you say sounds pretty accurate to me.

  10. dowhat? :smoke:

    As a formerly clueless fool, I've shown my cards before the time was right with a few females. The end result was almost always disastrous. :poke:

    My guess is that there's more to the allure of mystery and being detached than some realize. We can say we want someone who is down to earth and doesn't play games, someone who is always available and upfront. But are those characteristics a stone's throw away from being boring and predictable? Many would say yes, I choose to think otherwise. I think there's a middle ground and a balance that can be found.

    This balance does not involve inserting artificial gaps into communication for purposes of building suspense. Unfortunately, neither does it support spelling out your (probably earnest) feelings at a premature point in your relationship. If that in bold could never be repeated again I would die happy knowing I've reduced the amount of bullshit in the world tenfold. :rolleyes:
  11. lol. Me and my girl always said we wanted a relationship built on honesty but we refused to be the first to say "I love you". I didn't realize she loved me until years later and it was after several interrogations. Appearently we both had too much pride to risk being the only person in the relationship in love. Of course once she admitted she was in love I admitted it too.

    No relationship is going to be completely honest. In order to have a lasting relationship you gotta bullshit every now and then. Complete honesty sounds good but it comes off as creepy. Then again I don't need to be honest. My girl is so smart she can read me like a fucking book.
  12. its all about smoking weed everyday and not giving a fuck

  13. don't get down on yourself man. I'm an 18yo male and I have netted my fair share of poon. but I would also consider myself highly sensitive, and I rarely play games with the girls I'm pursuing. Fuck playing stupid games, leave that to the woman. You be yourself, but be confident. Believe she can be yours, and she will. But don't think there is a magical formula for texting and chattin up girls. just be yourself playa and ease up. you gotta just be chill, easy going and go with the flow of conversation. don't force anything.
  14. That is suprisingly coherent for an 18 year old. Kudos to that.

    I'm only 22, but I know I couldn't have said it any better myself.

    However, this only works on real girls.

    QUALITY over QUANTITY any day for me.:smoke:
  15. sounds like she was playin with you for fun.
  16. See, the same thing that frustrates you about women is what frustrates me about guys. I'm not trying to sound cocky, I'm not. But I think I'm a good catch. I'm pretty, got curves in the right places, smart. I have liked 3 guys genuinely. All 3 times I put my feelings on the table, and got rejected. The last guy I liked was actually really recent.
  17. I say fuck that girl.

    If she's too fucking cool to answer a text message then she's not ready for that big cock of yours.;)

    No I've never see his pp.
  18. I can honestly relate to this, especially this year. Last year allllll I did was play games, lie and cheat and I was getting girls left and right. When I saw it wasn't i was being a jackass and it was affecting me negatively I cut it out and tried to be genuine, nice, honest and that didn't get me shiiiieeeet. It's like when you're at peace with yourself and got your shit together people just don't wanna get involved with you. Which brings me to the conclusion that most people are ass backwards.
  19. Ever notice how the girls that you are kinda into always wanna talk to you, because girls like being talked to and then ignored.

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