I don't lie...Honestly, I try once in awhile, but I'm not very good at it. Apparently, I'm the only one that believes in dragons around here.
I think a lot of people fool themselves subconsciously, and believe their own lies. Not the "I fucked ten chicks yday!" kind of lies - the deeper ones; This relationship is working fine... This job isn't so bad... I smoke weed everyday for no other reason than its fun... This guy is my friend... I know enough about X to be confident in it... My God is the right God and all the others are fake... I think this is done to avoid certain problems, as a natural defense mechanism, to avoid conflict. Not necessarily with others, but with the self
Normally before going into the lie, or pre-lie if you will, the lie and the truth surrounding my lie blend into a tingling feeling that eventually travels to my penis... oh sweet sweet lies. Sent from my SM-G530T using Grasscity Forum mobile app