When you get fired up

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by VikingToker, Feb 26, 2016.

  1. How do you cool down, just generally

    or if you're fired up in a good way, how do you feed that feeling

    mildly related

  2. That Black Panther thread in Real Life Stories fired me up, I generally just start to ignore posts after I get too worked up.
  3. Thinking about how much time I would end up doing...
  4. I cool down usually just thinking to myself. Lots of times I just zone out and think. Along with the usual shit, maybe smoking a cig, toking some herb, maybe cook and eat something

    When I get fired up in a good way I'd say I actually feed it nearly the same way I cool down. I think a lot but the difference is I don't really zone out into my thoughts. Lol
  5. I don't get fired up. Period.

    Hasn't always been that way for me though; used to have very bad anger management problems which lead to many many fist fights over basically nothing, but, once you go through all that bullshit and see what anger really leaves you with, you realize its just not worth it. I always laugh at people who get angry and punch a wall or something, those people have no clue what real anger is lol or how to manage it.

    This was all upwards of 10-15 years ago, now my job solely relies on me not having a criminal record which is just fucking amazing that i do not.. My job has taught me about being efficient and anger has no place in that cycle at all.

    And of course, there will be the people in this thread who will be like "Well getting fired up and getting angry aren't the same thing." but your dealing with them the exact same way so.. Yeah, they are the same thing.

    Like if i find myself going back n fourth with somebody in a thread here, over whatever, once the point has been made and it kinda transitions into semantics, i'll just "Like" their response or make a closing post and move on, no big deal. There are some people that you will just not get along with and that is completely fine but knowing how to deal with those people is really important when it comes to real life, dealing with it on the internet is peanuts.
  6. I walk outside and have a cigarette when I get angry
  7. Vape some hash and play with my dogs.
  8. It depends .. at times i'd toss a beer or break out the shot glass .. sometimes the old fashioned go outside to take deep breath & count to ten routine or go out to see a babe especially if shes fine with a huge ass, again it all depends on what the situation is ..
  9. Music. For both good fired up and bad. If it's bad fired up I usually listen to ambient pop/electronic. If it's good fired up, then fast electronic music to keep that train going
  10. Online I let stuff go really fast. No point in engaging in volume wars over keyboards, especially when one considers the nature of most internet posts.

    In real life, a ton of things annoy me, but I very rarely get actually worked up. I've been pretty good lately at isolating the things that act upon us, like anger, horniness, sadness, etc. If it's something that is impulsive, I try to nip it in the bud early. Getting worked up, or angry, is a clear case of not thinking clearly in most situations, and so I see it as a potential detriment. Obviously we can't shut those things off completely since we are human, but it's important to learn to know when they are acting on us. Otherwise they are in charge.

    When all that fails, hit the trail high with the proper bicycle for 20miles in the woods. I'll bet you cash you'll feel clearer after [​IMG]

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  11. I go skateboard, cruise around and find a spot. It helps me chill quick. I learned unless crusing, when I think of anything besides skating while skating, bad things happen
  12. I Go for a run. it always helps or meditating.

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