When to transplant Oasis clones.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by kayanow, Mar 29, 2011.

  1. Hi

    I have 10 clones in oasis cubes.
    I am on day 8 and one of the cubes has two small roots popping out.
    The rest have no roots coming out but are lasting without the dome in 60% humidity(80%with dome on).
    By lasting i mean they are perky and not wilting.

    When should i transplant these girls into fox farm ocean potting soil?
    should i transplant to a small pot before the final 1 gallon pot home?
    Anyone use Azos when transplanting clones? if so how much


    also bonus question..
    I also have a bubble cloner going.
    I live in hawaii so our humidity is 50-60% all year.
    What should my water level in the bubble cloner be? should the stems be underwater?
    right now they are prolly 1/4 inch out and are remaining very wet just from the bubbles bouncing?

    Im worried that a water level too high might mush my stems due to hawaiis humidity and mold growth.
    oh and the water is at 74deg should i lower it?

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