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when to say no?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by swimmerchick732, Jul 25, 2010.

  1. My boyfriend cousin always wants to hang out with us and I mean always, but its getting real annoying cuz he always expects us to smoke him out when he is around but he never has his own bud. And recently he has started telling us when we should smoke our weed and bitches and complains when we don't want to smoke with him.

    We tried the being nice and saying no thing but he is starting to demand us to smoke him out and never thanks us

    are we being greedy or reasonable to not want to share anymore
  2. It's completely understandable that you don't want to keep smoking him up. Just try telling him that if he wants to continue smoking with you guys then it's only fair that he contributes, that doesn't really solve your problem if you simply don't want to hang out with the guy as much but at least he won't be such a drain on your weed.
  3. Tell him to quit snoop doggin that shit and get his own.
  4. That is annoying. i smoke people out maybe once but no more cause people come to expect it all the time. just tell him to buy his own stuff, or better yet hook him up with a dealer. and no you are not being greedy because you bought the bud so its your decision to either give it to him or not. you are not required to smoke anyone out
  5. Tell him to quit being a bitch. Explain to him that shit costs money, and money don't grow on trees. I hate people that are like that.
  6. tell him to stop being such a mooch...
  7. #7 Glass Clown, Jul 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 25, 2010
    You don't need people like this in your life. All they do is use you up and toss you away. I bet if you tell him no more weed until he contributes he'll blow you off and go find someone else he can suck dry. Tell him kick in or fuck off. If he's not getting it, ask him exactly what it is he thinks he's contributing to the relationship. Ask him why he think you owe him your weed.
  8. I was in a similar situation with a friend. I dont associate with him anymore because hes a little bitch and in all honesty if he was murdered I wouldnt give 2 shits.
  9. Weed does :smoking::smoking:

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