when to replace HID bulbs?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by peachymcsqueezy, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. how long to people run their HID (HPS/MH) bulbs for before replacing them? manufacturers claim they should be replace after about 6 months of use, which i guess is just enough to squeeze two grows out of a bulb.

    is this really people experience of a bulbs life span?

    is it more economically sound to replace an ageing bulb rather than continue to pay for electricity to run it?
  2. every 3 grows is what ive read brotha
  3. I hear you should replace it once a year.

    I let it go a year and a half before I bought my first replacement. Now I use the old one as a back up, and I plan on getting another after this new one is a year old.
  4. HID bulbs I replace every year, fluorescent bulbs I replace every 6 months. ;)
  5. If it's rated at say 10,000 hours... at 12/12 it's good for 800 days... at 18/6 it's good for 555 days. That's a long time... At least a couple of years... That's just my opinion.
  6. cool, thanks for the feed back. its useful to get a spread of opinions.
  7. That's the average length of time until full bulb failure.

    You get less light, but draw the same energy, once a bulb has passed it's prime. This depends on the manufacturer, but most start to drop off after 6 months or so.

    This doesn't mean you have to replace it right then, but you will be getting less light for the same energy costs if you don't.

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