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When to plant?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by pombongtoke, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. I have a "friend" that wants to grow:D. How would he know when to plant? He is a total beginner, but has read all of grasscitys sticks on outdoor growing. Could you help him out? He wants to harvest in October. Thanks in advance

    -pombongtoke. :smoke:
  2. Where do you live?

    You usually suppose to plant after the last frost of the year.
  3. If you're growing seeds you can probably get away with planting in April. If you're using clones or live somewhere really cold I'd wait till May.

    When you plant has very little to do with when you harvest, by the way. The fall light cycle will force any mature plant to flower. As long as you plant before July you're golden.
  4. Thanks! btw he lives in northern california. I saw a website that you could put in your location, and it would tell you the best time to plant. It was for tamatoes I think, but I'm having trouble finding it.
  5. [quote name='"pombongtoke"']Thanks! btw he lives in northern california. I saw a website that you could put in your location, and it would tell you the best time to plant. It was for tamatoes I think, but I'm having trouble finding it.[/quote]

    Memorial day is the rule of thumb for tomatoes and most veggies around here.

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